UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>CHAPTER 1Concepts of Replenishment1.1 OBJECTIVES OF <strong>REPLENISHMENT</strong>In order to carry out the Navy’s mission, fleet unitsmust be capable of remaining at sea for prolonged periods,fully ready to carry out any assigned tasks. CLFships are equipped to replenish combatants underwaywith fuel, ammunition, provisions, stores, and spare parts.The Navy transports products loaded on resupplyships forward to safe areas in the theater, and shuttlescommodities loaded on single product ships from forwardsources to multiproduct ships stationed in the taskforce. The latter are the interface between the task forceand the Navy’s replenishment system. They operate asintegral units of the task force and so provide the taskforce with its endurance. (See Figure 1-1.)In order to operate at sea for prolonged periods, afleet unit receives logistic support by means of anUNREP — a transfer of liquid and/or solid cargo betweentwo ships while underway. Two methods oftransfer are employed: horizontal transfer via CONREPrigs and vertical transfer via helicopter (VERTREP).The goal of an UNREP is the safe delivery of themaximum amount of cargo in the minimum of time. AnUNREP must be accomplished in such a manner that itdoes not interfere with the primary mission of the supportedforce.NoteFor conduct of Allied replenishment operations,refer to ATP 16.1.2 ORGANIZATION AND COMMAND1.2.1 Logistics Coordinator. Consistent with forcemakeup, an FLC, TFLC, or TGLC will be assigned andhave the authority to coordinate logistic evolutionsconsistent with the CWC concept of operations. He/sheis responsible for the following items, some of whichmay be delegated to the URC or OTC of the UNREPevolution:1. Selecting and promulgating rendezvous timeand place. This should be done as far in advanceas scheduling permits.2. Ensuring submission of requirements. Collectrequirements or requisitions of force units fortransfer to the replenishment OTC; however,he/she may direct each ship to submit its requirementsdirectly to the appropriate replenishmentship. Requirements for ammunition, missiles,and personnel transfers should be submitted asfar in advance of the UNREP as possible.1.2.2 Local Air Logistics Coordinator. TheLALC will coordinate logistics helicopter overheadson CVs, LHDs, LHAs, and LPHs with airwing operationsand COD/VOD overheads for timely delivery orpickup of task group passengers, mail, and cargo. TheLALC will promulgate the daily LOG HELO air plan.1.2.3 Underway Replenishment Coordinator.The URC will:1. Issue standing UNREP guidance (OPTASKRAS).2. Monitor inventories/quantities of commoditieson board assigned CLF ships in company with orenroute to the task force/group.3. Monitor inventory status of commodities onTF/TG ships, identify problem areas to the LC,and recommend solutions.4. Recommend UNREP and resupply/consol schedulesto the LC.5. Ensure that UNREP ships pass through the designatedrendezvous point on time.6. Coordinate with the FLSR/LHC to prioritize anddirect the loading of fleet freight, FFV, and dairyproducts.1-1 ORIGINAL

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