UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>WARNINGContains phosphate ester fluid. Avoid directskin contact. Follow safety precautions ofNAVSEAINST 5100.13 when handling.Use MIL-H-19457C Addendum 1 or D fluidonly.B.2 OPERATING PROCEDURESFigure B-1 shows the ram tensioner installation. Thesafe load capacities for STREAM rigs for transfer ofsolid cargo and missiles are given in Figure B-2. Mostreceiving ships with STREAM stations have attachmentpoints static tested to 50,000 lb (22,675 kg).These ships can accept all of the STREAM rigs at maximumavailable highline tensioning; consequently, theycan use line B in Figure B-2 to determine rig capacity.Receiving ships with STREAM stations that have attachmentpoints static tested to less than 50,000 lb(22,675 kg) must use line A of Figure B-2.B.2.1 Pre-Operational Procedures1. Ensure that the highline or spanwire winch isready to operate.CAUTIONThe following precautions must be takenbefore charging the ram:1. Ensure that the end of the wire is secure.2. Remove all slack from the highline.2. Secure the end of the highline or span wire to apadeye that was previously tested to a minimumof 36,000 pounds (16,326 kg).3. Ensure that the ram has been charged withproper fluid (see item 3 of paragraph B.1) andthat a minimum of 2-1/2 gallons (9.5 L) of fluid(half full) remains in the hand pump reservoir.Ensure that the air flask bank is at operatingpressure with the ram shutoff valve closed. SeeFigures 6-1 and 3-17 for correct pressure.4. Close the air dump valve and slowly open the ramshutoff valve to pressurize the ram. This valvemust remain fully open during ram operation. Apartially closed valve may cause relief valve to lift.5. Operate the winch to pay out the highline or spanwire, and allow the ram to extend fully until thewire becomes slack.6. To clear the bleed line, slowly open the manualbleed valve one-half turn, and observe the flowindicator for a minimum of 10 seconds or untilclear fluid only shows in the sight glass. If aircontinues to bleed in excess of 1 minute, the ramtensioner unit should be considered questionableand a leakage test (paragraph B.3) should beconducted before further use.7. The ram, when free of air and properly chargedwith fluid, should extend to the charged position(i.e., 12 feet 6 inches (381 cm) for the 80-foot(24.3 m) capacity model and 14 feet (441 cm) forthe 120-foot (36.6 m) capacity model). (Figuresfollowing the letter in the model number show thetotal take-up capacity.) Adjust to charged positionby bleeding excess fluid or adding fluid withthe hand pump. No further bleeding or addition offluid should be done while the ram is in operation.The most convenient way to measure extension isto attach a tape measure to the top sheave assemblyand measure the difference before and afterextension to a convenient fixed point on the base.8. In cold weather, a temperature below 20 °F (-6.7°C) will cause sluggish action of a ram tensionerwhen first activated. Slowly stroking the unit 10strokes, starting with partial strokes, will warmthe fluid and correct any sluggishness.9. Verify that the ram position indicator at thewinch control position is functioning and correctlyindicates the ram position. Verify thatlimit alarms, where provided, function correctly.10. The highline or span wire is now ready for passingto the receiving ship. The ram should remainextended while passing the rig.B.2.2 Operating Procedures1. The function of the ram tensioner is to take up andpay out the highline or span wire rapidly as requiredto compensate for relative ship motion without constantpaying out and hauling in of the winch. Afterthe ships have steadied on course and ship motion isnot extreme, the ram should be allowed to ride in themid-range without unnecessary use of the winch.2. The ratio of tension in the highline or span wire toair pressure is 10 to 1 — that is, 15,000 pounds ofB-2 ORIGINAL

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