UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>APPENDIX BRam Tensioner ProceduresB.1 SAFETY PROCEDURES1. Air leaking into the fluid past defective accumulatorpiston seals or overfilling with fluid willcause ejection of an A model (fourth or fifth letterof model number) ram tensioner if a highlineor span wire parts under tension. Repeated overextensionof an overfilled or leaking ram into thestops of an A or B model ram will also causefailure.2. Regular use of the manual bleed valve, as specifiedunder operating instructions, is mandatory.Operate the bleed valve only when the ram isfully extended, and open the valve slowly to amaximum of one turn. The fluid in the sightglass should be a clear stream. As a precautionagainst sight glass rupture, do not stand directlyin front of the sight glass. Always pump fluidfrom reservoir back to ram tensioner after ableed valve check. Reservoir should be maintainedhalf full.3. Use only phosphate ester hydraulic fluid conformingwith MIL-H-19457C Addendum 1 orD. This fluid is the latest nonneurotoxic fire resistantram tensioner operating fluid, alsoknown by the Stauffer Chemical Companytrade name Fyrquel 220MLT (NSN for 55 gallondrum — 9G-9150-01-113-2047; NSN for 5gallon drum — 9G-9150-01-113-2046).4. Fluid made to MIL-H-19457C Addendum 1 orD is safe to use when handled properly. Followthe following safety precautions:a. Avoid inhalation, ingestion, and skin and eyecontact. If exposed, remove contaminatedclothing. Immediately wash exposed skinwith soap and water and rinse eyes for 15 minuteswith water. Seek medical aid. Laundercontaminated clothing immediately using oilyclothing method.b. Keep food, smoking material, and drink awayfrom areas where fluid is being handled orstored.c. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and waterimmediately after handling fluid. Discard anycontaminated food, smoking materials, ordrink.d. Respiratory and eye protection is required inthe area of leaks which result in a fine mist orspray in the air.e. Wear protective clothing in keeping with thework task. Stock numbers of appropriate protectiveclothing are listed in NAVSEAINST5100.13.f. Follow safety precautions of NAVSEAINST5100.13 when handling or cleaning up spillsof phosphate ester fluids.WARNINGSome ram tensioners may still contain fluidmade to MIL-H-19457B, sometimes calledCellulube 220A or Fyrquel 220PM. This fluidcontains triortho-cresyl-phosphate, whichcan be absorbed into the body through theskin and may affect certain nerve functions.This older, more hazardous fluid may beidentified by its green color, and should bechanged to the nonneurotoxic fluid at thefirst opportunity. Fluid made to MIL-H-19457C is blue in color.5. All ram tensioners and all spaces where phosphateester fluids are stored shall have the followingwarning posted in a conspicuous place:B-1 ORIGINAL

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