UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>APPENDIX AReportsA.1 <strong>REPLENISHMENT</strong> MISHAP/INCIDENTREPORTINGReports of replenishment mishaps and incidents providethe Chief of <strong>Naval</strong> Operations (CNO) with detailedinformation necessary to conduct a comprehensivesafety program. Complete reporting is essential. Factsdiscovered — but not reported — do not prevent accidents.The collective use of reports provides information(1) that can be used for modification and changes in designcriteria, personnel planning, operations planning,and other staff actions and (2) that may otherwise be obscureto an individual investigating a single accident. Reportsand recommendations must be prepared with thethought that personnel at numerous levels will reviewthem, evaluate their contents, and take appropriate action.The following reports relate the replenishment mishaps/incidents:1. Urgent Change Recommendations2. Forces Afloat Mishap3. Safetygram4. PMS Feedback5. Hazardous Defective Material6. OPREP-3 (OPNAVINST 3100.6 series).A.2 URGENT CHANGE RECOMMENDATIONSThe form for submitting urgent change recommendationsof vital importance, including items of safety, isprovided in the Preface.A.3 FORCES AFLOAT MISHAP REPORTINGDetailed information for reporting mishaps andnear mishaps as well as reporting material propertydamage (MPD) and criteria for submitting personnelinjury/death (PID) reports is contained in OPNAV-INST 5102.1.A.4 SAFETYGRAM REPORTSafetygram reports provide Navy personnel with aninformal means of reporting the hazardous materialconditions or practices they have observed during a replenishmentoperation. A person who observes a hazardousmaterial condition or practice, or who has anaccident prevention suggestion, may describe it on asafetygram form and submit the form to the <strong>Naval</strong>Safety Center. The Safetygram (OPNAV Form 5102/4)(see Figure A-1) can be ordered from <strong>Naval</strong> Publicationsand Forms Center. The form is to be filled out intriplicate (copies are provided) and the original is to besubmitted to <strong>Naval</strong> Safety Center, <strong>Naval</strong> Air Station,Norfolk VA 23511.The purpose of the safetygram is to provide an informalmethod of reporting hazard-related suggestions orcomments to the <strong>Naval</strong> Safety Center. It shall not beused as a substitute for other required reports.A.5 PMS FEEDBACK REPORTThe PMS Feedback Report (OPNAV Form 4790/7B)is also an effective tool for reporting replenishmentaccident-related information via the type commander.Instructions for preparing this form are contained on thereverse side of the green “Originator” copy. When reportingsafety-related information, make sure that the“Safety Precautions” block is checked.A.6 HAZARDOUS DEFECTIVE MATERIALREPORTThe reporting of defective material obtained throughthe supply system is of prime importance, especiallywhen the use of this material could endanger personnel.NAVSUPINST 4440.120 outlines procedures and assignsresponsibilities for the reporting of defective material.It applies to all ships and stations. Commandingofficers, ships’ safety officers, and department headsshould make all personnel aware of these responsibilitiesand of the reporting criteria outlined in NAV-SUPINST 4440.120. Proper reporting of defectivematerial may save a life.A-1 ORIGINAL

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