UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>2. After landing, the air crewman in the helicopterwill install auxiliary fuel tank safety pins prior tochock and chainmen positioning chocks or attachingchains to the main landing gear.3. During movement of the aircraft on deck, thebrakerider should be a qualified APP operator.APP operation pressurizes the utility hydraulicsystem for more positive braking. A fully fueledaircraft weighs approximately 54,000 lb (24,494kg) and a tow tractor alone may be unable tocontrol its movements on wet or slick decks inmoderate to heavy sea states.4. Some helicopters are susceptible to electromagneticinterference (e.g., transmissions, radar,etc.). It may be necessary to de-energize thisequipment during CH-53E operations.5. Visibility from the CH-53E’s cockpit is not asgood as that from most other helicopters. TheLSE should be alert to this fact and attempt tomaintain eye-to-eye contact with the pilot at thecontrols at all times.10.16 USMC HELICOPTER EXTERNAL LOADOPERATIONS10.16.1 Concept of Operations. USMC helicopterexternal load operations in support of the landing forcecommander’s scheme of maneuver entail the shipto-shoremovement of Marine equipment and suppliesduring an amphibious operation. The goal of these operationsis to safely deliver USMC cargo and equipmentby the most expeditious means that support thetactical scenario ashore.With the increase in USMC organic equipment thatcan only be transported by helicopter by externalmeans, ship-to-shore movement of these items has becomemore important and requires additional emphasis.Advanced planning and close coordination between theship’s company and embarked personnel are critical tomission success and personnel safety.The CH-53 is the primary helicopter for externaltransport of USMC cargo and equipment. It is equippedwith a single-point external cargo hook pendant. TheCH-53E is also equipped with a dual-point external cargohook system. The CH-46 is equipped with a singlepointexternal hook. It has a secondary mission to transportUSMC cargo and equipment externally. TheUH-1N is equipped with an external cargo hook, but itis not normally employed in USMC helicopter externalload operations because of its weight-liftinglimitations. OH 5-3A, The Helicopter External CargoLoading Manual, stipulates the helicopters that are suitablefor carrying each load.10.16.2 Combat Cargo Officer. The designatedCCO is responsible for the safe and efficient conduct ofthe HELT during USMC helicopter external load operations.He will act as the liaison between the embarkedunit and ship’s personnel and will supervise the HELTduring sending (hookup) and receiving operations.The CCO shall ensure that all loads of USMC cargoand equipment are rigged in accordance with OH 5-3A.The procedures therein provide detailed instructionsfor each item certified for airlift by USMC helicopterexternal load operations.The CCO is also responsible for ensuring that eachHELT is trained to perform its duties safely and proficiently.OH 5-3A and qualified helicopter support teampersonnel from the combat service support element orthe landing support battalion of the force service supportgroup provide excellent sources for proceduresand expertise. The CCO will also ensure that HELTmembers are properly outfitted with flight deck gearand thoroughly familiarized with shipboard procedures.10.16.3 Helicopter External Load Team. TheHELT is organized as a hookup team or as a receiving team.1. The hookup team is responsible for the preparation,rigging, and hookup of the load. It consistsof a team leader, who serves as supervisor andsafety observer, a static discharge man, a hookupman, and sufficient legmen to handle thesling legs. A The LSE serves as an outside directorbut is not part of the hookup team.2. The receiving team consists of a team leader, astatic discharge man, and a hookup man familiarwith manual release procedures. Chockmen maybe required for a wheeled load. Team Member Responsibilities1. The team leader is responsible for overall coordinationof the team, individual equipment, andsafety procedures. He/she will take a positionwhere he/she can best observe and direct the team.2. The static discharge man affixes the groundingcable of the static discharge grounding wand toa deck padeye or designated grounding receptacle.He/she positions himself/herself on or nearthe load in a stable position where he/she can10-33 ORIGINAL

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