UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Chalkboard information concerning receivingship identification, bearing and distance, loadweight, and so forth, may be transmitted by radio.5. Radio communications to airborne helicoptersshould be minimized to avoid interrupting essentialaircrew ICS communications necessaryfor smooth and safe operations.6. Positive communications should be maintainedbetween the LSE, HCO, and FDO.10.12 SAFETYSafety is the primary consideration in all VERTREPoperations. Commanding officers should obtain the adviceof the officer in charge of the helicopter detachmenton board in all matters relating to the safety of thehelicopter transfer. If helicopters are airborne, he/sheshould ask advice from the senior naval aviator if operatingconditions appear marginal.A helicopter should be landed at the request of theaircraft commander anytime the aircraft commanderbelieves that safety is endangered either by his/her ownfatigue or by other operational factors. The followingprecautions must be meticulously observed:1. All personnel except the LSE and the hookupman (when required) shall clear the landing ordrop area during a delivery, takeoff, or landing.2. Flight deck personnel shall wear life jackets,helmets with chin strap, goggles, safety shoes,and ear protection. Loose articles of clothingshould not be worn. Ball caps, rags, or otherloose articles shall be removed from pockets.3. All personnel in the vicinity of the helicopter shallremove their hats while the rotors are turning.4. All personnel at the pickup or delivery area shallbe trained to take cover immediately on commandof the officer (or petty officer) in charge.5. Personnel working near the helicopter shall be instructedto observe the aircraft carefully for any signof malfunction such as smoke, oil, hydraulic leaks,and so forth, and immediately report any such condition(s)to the helicopter pilot, VERTREP officer,or HCO in the tower if the helicopter is airborne.6. <strong>Ships</strong> participating in VERTREP operationsshall have a firefighting detail stationed at thetransferring or receiving area. Personnel assignedto the helicopter crash/firefighting crew shall beproperly clothed and shall not be assigned to anyother duties, such as cargo handling.7. Personnel shall be instructed concerning the shrapneleffect caused when rotor blades strike a solid object.Spectators must be kept clear of the pickup ordelivery area while VERTREP is in progress.8. Personnel working as cargo handlers in the vicinityof helicopters shall wear ear and eye protectiondevices and safety shoes.9. All removable objects that might be damaged byswinging loads should be removed from the area.10. The flight deck drop zone shall be cleared of allobjects that can be blown around by rotor washor ingested into jet intakes.11. <strong>Ships</strong> shall not dump trash and garbage duringVERTREP operations.12. All hatches and covers near the drop zone shall be closed.13. <strong>Ships</strong> shall be careful not to blow tubes duringVERTREP operations.14. Cargo handlers shall not attempt to steady aload or rush to the load before the helicopterhas left the drop zone.15. To minimize the danger to personnel and equipmentduring wet, rough weather, all staging areas,drop zones, and paths leading thereto shallhave non-skid deck surfaces.16. To minimize FOD hazard to the helicopter, cardboardboxes (excluding triwall containers) orother lightweight material shall not be returnedto the delivery ship.17. Ensure that the rescue boat is fully prepared, andthat the boat crew is detailed and available atshort notice for launch.18. Concurrent VERTREP and CONREP operationsfrom AE-26 Class ships using stations 9and 10 are extremely hazardous due to the proximityof these stations to the flight deck and conflictwith fire party stationing and rig crews.19. During VERTREP operations and cargo handling,the OOD shall notify the flight deck crewsof any anticipated ship movements.10-30 ORIGINAL

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