UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>WARNINGIn the case of the CH-53E, the hand-heldstatic discharge wand and 20,000 to 30,000volt insulated gloves shall be used to preventpersonnel injury. Contact between the cargohook and grounding hook shall be maintainedcontinuously because the CH-53E rotorsystem can recharge to its full staticpotential within 1 second. This will require asecond deck crew member to aid the hookupman during hookup.NoteThis method ensures positive hookup of thependant and eliminates the unnecessary andunsafe chasing of the helicopter by thehookup man.In alternate methods, the hookup man either holdsthe pendant up while the air crewman in the open cargoaccess hatch guides the pendant onto the helicopter’shook, or the hookup man raises the pendant and slipsthe eye over the helicopter’s hook. The hookup manthen clears the area, moving toward the LSE.WARNINGThe hookup man shall never stand on theload or between the load being picked upand another load.The air crewman then gives pickup and liftoff directionsto the pilot to clear the load from the pickup area.NoteThe air crewman is the primary director ofthe helicopter once it is in a hover over thepickup or drop area for placement of the load.The LSE shall also continue giving directionsin case of internal communications failure orother emergencies of which the pilot or aircrewman is unaware. Radio transmissions toaircraft hovering over the VERTREP zoneare distracting to the pilot and should be ofan urgent nature only.10.10.3 Maintaining Contact. When helicoptersoperate between ships within visual range, both thelaunching and receiving ships shall maintain visualcontact with the helicopter until it has landed or hascompleted its mission. When the helicopter is dispatchedto more than one ship to make pickups or deliveries,responsibility for maintaining visual contact restswith both the last ship from which the helicopter departedand the next succeeding receiving ship. Whenpossible, radar contact on all helicopters will be maintainedby the launching and receiving ships. Under conditionsof low visibility, positive control is mandatory.Parent ships must be aware of the location of their helicoptersat all times. When conducting VERTREP beyondvisual range of the parent ship, CIC shall beresponsible for providing voice communications andvectors to the helicopters over the entire route as specifiedin <strong>NWP</strong> 3-04.1M (formerly <strong>NWP</strong> 42).10.10.4 Fueling Helicopters. During extendedVERTREP, it may become necessary to refuel the helicopterseveral times. The VERTREP control officershall always be aware of the helicopter’s fuel state bydetermining endurance prior to takeoff or on arrivalfrom another ship. Multi-helicopter VERTREP can becontinued with minimum interruption when one helicopterrefuels at another ship and the remaining helicopter(s)continues to VERTREP from the UNREPship. Hot refueling is the most expeditious method ofcontinuing operations. Hot refueling may be accomplishedwith the permission of the commanding officeror his duly authorized representative, usually the VER-TREP control officer. In all cases, aircraft NATOPShot refueling procedures shall be followed.CAUTIONDo not use FAS hose or fittings to fuelhelicopters. FAS hose and fittings may notmeet aviation fueling standards.10.10.5 Load Delivery. During the approach to thereceiving ship, the LSE and the air crewman guide thepilot to the drop zone. This enables the pilot to fly so thathe/she can see and avoid any obstructions. If a load spotteris used, he/she will be positioned on the intended spotfor the incoming load. Once acknowledged by the aircrewman, he/she shall clear the drop zone. Once over thedrop zone, the pilot follows the LSE’s advisory signalsand the air crewman’s directions for positioning the loadover the cargo landing spot. The pilot relies on the aircrewman’s directions for precisely spotting and thenlowering the load. The air crewman informs the pilot assoon as the load is on deck. The LSE signals the pilotwhen the pendant slackens. The air crewman releases thecargo hook and informs the pilot.10-25 ORIGINAL

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