UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>NoteSteadying line is tended byaircrewman in helicopter.STEADYING LINE, DOUBLEBRAIDED NYLON, 5/8" (15.8 mm)x 65 ft (19.8 m) LONGMONKEY FISTSNAP HOOKFigure 10-17. Rigging for Missile Transfer to a Class 5 VERTREP Area (FFG-7 Class Ship)10.9 CARGO STAGINGPrior to actual flight operations, the maximum possibleamount of cargo is staged on the flight deck (seeFigure 10-18). Primary considerations in preparing andexecuting the flight deck cargo plan (staging) are outlinedbelow.CAUTIONA pre-evolution discussion of flight deckcargo staging requirements is essential.High velocity and/or gusty winds, combinedwith ship pitch and roll, may create a circumstancerendering a normal size landingarea inadequate. Consideration must begiven to clearing a larger than normal landingarea for helicopters experiencing inflightemergencies.1. Sufficient clear space should be left on the deckto roll out the helicopter and to provide adequateclearance for takeoff and a landing area for possibleemergency landings.2. Complete staging of the flight deck after VERTREPhas commenced is permissible, provided anothercertified landing area is available that is satisfactoryto the helicopter detachment officer in charge.WARNINGDuring night VERTREP, the cargo stagingplan shall provide for clear and unobstructeduse of at least one landing lineup line,including its lights, whenever a certifiedready deck is not available in theimmediate area. The lights shall be visiblethrough an arc of 15° on either side of thelineup line. (See Figure 10-19.)3. All staged cargo must (1) be located within thehover area bounded by periphery lines and/orhover limit line(s) and (2) be accessible forpickup by the hovering helicopter.4. Loads should be staged for each receiving shipand be accessible for pickup in the event of achange in schedule and during simultaneousmultiship VERTREP operations.5. Cargo for each receiving ship should be stagedin a manner that will permit an orderly deliverysequence of like commodities to the receiving10-21 ORIGINAL

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