UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong> Rigging. To ensure stability of the Mk 6missile dolly during delivery, a steadying line will beemployed, tended by an air crewman on the aft ramp ofthe H-46. Standard Mk 105 or Mk 92 hoisting slingsand four long legs (green) are to be used. Use of the Mk105 is preferred for delivery of a loaded dolly, due tothe greater pendulum effect associated with use of theMk 92. Furthermore, use of the Mk 92 requires a higherhover, which reduces the pilot’s visual cues. A steadyingline made of 5/8-inch (15.8 mm) diameter, double-braidednylon line, 65 feet (110.8 m) long, with aswivel snap hook, is attached to the top of the forwardend of the missile dolly. Both ends of the steadying linemust be weighted (Figure 10-17). Transfer Procedures1. If feasible, transfer a pilot to the receiving shipprior to delivery of the first load for coordinationand clarification of the transfer procedure.2. Time permitting, make at least one practice deliveryand retrograde pickup utilizing a missiletraining shape prior to the actual transfer.Figure 10-16. Hoisting Sling Mk 105 With Two-Pallet Load (Four AttachmentPoints)restricted space, high seas, and/or a pitching or rollingdeck. The following restrictions and procedures mustbe observed to ensure safe transfer of cargo:1. Maximum ship’s pitch of 3° and maximumship’s roll of 3°2. Relative wind:a. Optimum: 345° to 015°, 10 to 20 knotsb. Acceptable: 300° to 060°, 10 to 20 knotsc. Not recommended: 060° to 300°NoteIt may be desirable to sacrifice optimumwinds for a stable deck. The aircraft commandershould be consulted before anycourse is selected that would create a relativewind outside optimum parameters.3. Delivery by VERTREP from an H-46 helicopterin accordance with the following procedures.3. Establish bridge-to-bridge communications toprovide real-time feedback during the evolution.4. During pickup over the delivery ship, pass thesteadying line to the air crewman on the aftramp prior to hooking up the missile load on theMk 105 or Mk 92 hoisting sling.5. The air crewman must maintain tension on thesteadying line from pickup to drop to avoid rotationof the dolly and possible entanglement ofthe steadying line with the hoisting sling.6. Position the LSE on the receiving ship on the 03level to permit the greatest visibility.7. Once the cargo is onboard the receiving ship,release the weighted bitter end of the steadyingline from the aircraft and then release the Mk105 sling from the cargo hook. In the case of theMk 92 sling, the deck crew releases the load atthe O-ring assembly above the dolly. Returning Equipment. Retrograde pickupof the dolly must be accomplished utilizing the Mk 92hoisting sling and the steadying line. The procedure isthe reverse of delivery. The air crewman lowers boththe steadying line and the Mk 92 from the H-46 forhookup by the deck crew.10-20 ORIGINAL

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