UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>1. TO OPEN HOOK — Grasp the hook in onehand and the yoke in the other hand so that theforefinger passes under the yoke. Hold thehook while twisting the yoke to the right andlifting it at the same time.2. TO CLOSE HOOK — Force the yoke downover the hook.CAUTIONNever thread the safety hook through allfour of the cargo net’s oblong metal ringsand hook back onto the bight of the liftingsling or sling leg. This will cut the liftingsling or sling leg or damage the lifting slingor the sling leg’s thimble and hook latchingassembly. Attach the hook to the rings.10.8.3 Hoisting Slings. For loads with a singlelifting point, such as a cargo net or missile dolly, use aMk 105 hoisting sling and one leg (attached by meansof a choker hitch) or a Mk 89, 90, or 91 single-legsling. To attach the sling, hook the safety hook on thesling leg to the ring(s).CAUTIONThe use of a single leg on the Mk 105hoisting sling reduces the safe working loadof the sling from 6,000 lb (2,721 kg) to3,000 lb (1,360 kg).NoteLifting of more than one net with asingle-leg hoisting sling is discouraged,since cargo damage may result. Do not usetwo or more single-leg hoisting slings to pairseparate loads, when the Mk 105 hoistingsling is available.For loads with two attachment points, such as a palletwith an adjustable pallet sling, attach two legs tothe lower eye of the Mk 105 hoisting sling by means ofa choker hitch; then hook the safety hooks on the legsto the lifting thimbles on the adjustable pallet sling —one leg to one thimble. An alternate hoisting sling fora load with two attachment points is the Mk 128 Mod0. Attach it in the same manner as the Mk 105 sling.After the hooks are attached, secure the legs with theVelcro strap to ensure that the legs do not work underthe load and tip it during pickup.When using the Mk 105 hoisting sling to lift loadswith two attachment points, ensure that both liftinglegs are of equal length (the same color).For loads with four attachment points, such as acargotainer, use the Mk 105 hoisting sling with fourlegs (Figure 10-3). When pairing loads (from two tosix lifting points), use the Mk 105 hoisting sling with aleg for each lifting point (Figure 10-16).CAUTIONAttach only the number of legs needed to liftthe load to the Mk 105 hoisting sling. Unnecessarylegs shall be removed.10.8.4 Special Procedures for NonstandardLoads. Refer to NAVSEA S9750-AA-MMA-010 forattaching adapters to containers and rigging dollies forVERTREP. Large, bulky, or odd-shaped loads that cannotbe carried on a pallet or in nets shall be providedwith slings or lifting eyes for attaching a pendant.WARNINGThe aircraft commander shall always beconsulted as to the feasibility of transferringany nonstandard load.CAUTIONWhen attaching a special load rigging,carefully inspect the selected attachmentpoints on the load to ensure that they willwithstand the loads applied when the objectis lifted. What appears to be a convenientlifting eye or lifting point may be there foranother purpose and not intended to lift theentire weight of the load.10.8.5 Special Procedures for Missile Transferto Class 5 Forward VERTREP Areas on FFG-7Class <strong>Ships</strong>. Missile transfers to Class 5 (high hover)forward VERTREP areas of FFG-7 Class ships using theMk 6 missile dolly require a high degree of coordinationand optimum environmental conditions, since the configurationof the area presents unique hazards. Rotordownwash, combined with the relative wind over thedeck, causes a swirling motion that causes the Mk 6dolly to rotate and swing during the delivery. Cargodamage is likely when this instability is combined with10-19 ORIGINAL

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