UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>10.5.3 Forklift Trucks. Forklift trucks are usedaboard UNREP ships to transport cargo to and from thestaging area. They are similar to the ordinary commercialvariety used for cargo handling ashore. Carriers oramphibious ships that normally carry forklift trucks areencouraged to use them to clear VERTREP cargo fromthe deck. Pallets are readily cleared by hoisting themfrom underneath. If this is not possible, an alternatemethod is to raise the forks and use them as an attachmentpoint to suspend the load with the use of a Mk 91Mod 0 adapter hook (Figure 10-4).CAUTIONThe capacity of the forklift truck decreasesdramatically as the tines are raised andextended. Loss of control is possible if theweight of the load is not distributed properly.NoteRefer to NAVSEA OP 4098 for approvedtypes of equipment and their proper use.10.5.4 Cargo Nets. The bulk of VERTREP cargois transported in nylon cargo nets made of 1-1/2-inch(38.1 mm) nylon webbing (Figure 10-5). Overall sizeis 12 feet by 12 feet (3.6 m by 3.6 m) or 14 feet by 14feet (4.2 m by 4.2 m). The Mk 16 Mod 0 cargo pallet,which consists of a net assembly bolted to a Mk 3 Mod0 pallet, is used for transfer of loose containers andcargo (Figure 10-5). Oblong metal rings on each of thefour corners are used to lift the net. Rough treatment,such as dragging across flight decks, causes extensivedamage to nylon webbing, necessitates regular repair,and should be avoided.10.5.5 Adjustable Pallet Sling. The adjustablepallet sling is a two-loop wire rope sling for liftingloaded pallets without using a cargo net (Figure 10-6).Lifting thimbles provide the attachment points for thehoisting sling used to carry the load by helicopter.There are four models of this sling, identified bycolor-coding, the difference being their size:1. Mk 85 — red — for loads 13 to 31 inches (33.0to 78.7 cm) high2. Mk 86 — black — for loads 29 to 40 inches(73.6 to 101.6 cm) high3. Mk 87 — green — for loads 36 to 50 inches(91.4 to 127.0 cm) high4. Mk 100 — yellow — for loads 48 to 70 inches(121.9 to 177.8 cm) high.10.5.6 Missile Containers and Dollies. Twomethods of missile VERTREP are currently used — thechoice is dictated by the strikedown method employedaboard the receiving ship. In the first method, missilesand boosters are carried in containers, such as the Mk183, Mk 199, and Mk 200. Aboard the UNREP shipthe containers can be transported by a forklift truck.Aboard receiving ships, a Mk 42 or Mk 45 hand truckis attached to each end of the container to move theload from the VERTREP area to the strikedown equipmentfor decanning. In the second method, missilesare transferred in the Mk 6 or Mk 30 missile dolly(Figure 10-7). The dolly can be transported by forklifttruck, manhandled on castered wheels, or lifted by itssling. It is constructed of tubular steel and is providedwith a deadman brake system, shock absorbers oneach wheel, and fold-down side bumpers. The dollyprovides mobility and shock protection during VERT-REP of missiles and boosters.10.5.7 Hoisting Sling Mk 105. This sling, calledthe multileg-pole pendant, is approved for all types ofVERTREP loads up to 6,000 lb (2,721 kg). The Mk 105consists of two parts: the pendant and the legs (Figure10-8). The pendant, made of 1-1/8-inch (28.5 mm) diameter,double-braided nylon rope, is approximately12 feet (3.6 m) in length. It has a siliconeimpregnatedeye at each end. The silicone impregnationallows the eye to slip off the helicopter’s cargohook when released and aids in removing the legsfrom the pendant. A 6 foot (1.8 m) plastic reach tubeencases the upper portion of the pendant and providesthe rigidity needed to place the upper eye over the helicopter’scargo hook. The legs are made of color-coded,15/16-inch (23.8 mm), double-braided nylon with anopen eye splice at one end and a positive-closing,self-locking, cargo hook at the other end. The regularleg (orange) is 6 feet (1.8 m) long and the long leg(green) is 10 feet (3.0 m) long. As many as six legsmay be attached to the pendant’s lower eye by meansof choker hitches (Figure 10-8). The number of legsused is determined by the number of attachment pointson the load. Four regular legs are furnished with eachpendant at the time of issue. The safe working load fora single leg is 3,000 lb (1,360 kg). A benefit of usingnylon rope is its ability to act as a shock absorber betweenthe helicopter and the load. The pendant’sstretch allows the pilot to slowly “take up” on the load,thereby reducing the g’s applied to the load as theslack goes out of the pendant.10-7 ORIGINAL

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