UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. Coordination of helicopter administrative flightsthrough the OTC.The helicopter coordinator will be responsible for(1) the control of all passengers being transferred by helicopterand (2) the issuance of a manifest to the aircrafton all passengers so transferred. The helicopter coordinatorwill ensure that each transferring ship retains acopy of the passenger manifest for each flight departingthe ship.10.4 COMMUNICATIONS10.4.1 Radio. <strong>Ships</strong> scheduled to receive materialby VERTREP should maintain a continuous guard onthe designated helicopter control circuit. The circuitshould be activated and tested prior to VERTREP. Circuitdiscipline must be maintained at all times. The helicoptercontrol circuit shall not be used for routinetraffic between ships guarding this circuit.PALLETS NESTFOR STORAGEFigure 10-2. Nestable Tubular Steel PalletNoteSince the helicopter pilot depends primarilyon internal phone directions from the aircrewman on all cargo pickups and drops,routine transmissions to the pilots shouldnot be made during this maneuver. (In mosthelicopters, the copilot monitors alltransmissions during delivery — the pilot’sUHF receiver switch is turned off.)Transmissions will normally be made whilethe helicopter is traveling between ships.10.4.2 Flag and Hand Signals. Flag and handsignals are in accordance with ATP 1, Vol. II, andNAVAIR 00-80T-113.10.5 VERTREP EQUIPMENT10.5.1 Pallets. Four-way pallets are platforms 40inches (101.6 cm) by 48 inches (121.9 cm) by approximately4 inches (10.2 cm) high, constructed of weldedsteel or hardwood, usually oak. They are designed to belifted by a forklift truck from any side. Cargo is bandedor strapped to pallets to provide a stable and transportableload. A nestable pallet made of tubular steel has anadded advantage in that the empty pallets require lessstorage space (Figure 10-2).10.5.2 Cargotainers. A cargotainer is a pallet withwire mesh sides that fold down for compact storage.The cargotainer is ideal for transferring loose andodd-shaped items (Figure 10-3).Figure 10-3. Hoisting Sling Hooked to Cargotainer(Four Attachment Points)10-6 ORIGINAL

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