UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>CHAPTER 10Vertical Replenishment and USMCHelicopter External Load Operations10.1 CONCEPT OF VERTICAL<strong>REPLENISHMENT</strong>VERTREP provides a capability for augmenting andenhancing alongside replenishment. It also permits increasedflexibility and considerable latitude in replenishmentplanning, particularly regarding time andlocation of the UNREP operation.There are some specific advantages of VERTREPthat should be considered in determining the method ofUNREP, particularly:1. Reduction in overall time required to replenishthe supported forces or units2. Reduction or elimination of time that screeningships are required to be off station3. Reduction in personnel involved4. Capability of replenishing units:a. In a dispersed formationb. Engaged in tasks that make it impossible forthem to come alongsidec. In heavy weather conditions when alongsidesteaming is hazardous or impossibled. On station in shallow water or at anchor.While the VERTREP transfer rate is normally lessthan the CONREP transfer rate for a major fleet unit,VERTREP can be used to distinct advantage by eliminatingthe time for approach, hookup, and disconnect inan alongside transfer. This is particularly true duringsmall-scale replenishments when less than approximately75 short tons (68 metric tons) are to be transferred.VERTREP transfer rates of up to 180 short tons(163.2 metric tons) per hour or 120 lifts per hour can beachieved by a CV, LHA, LHD, or LPH with two helicoptersin use. Some small units cannot receive loads atthis maximum rate because of small or partially obstructedVERTREP platforms. To minimize timealongside for small units, a combination of VERTREPand CONREP can be used.Air Capable Ship Aviation Facilities Bulletin No. 1specifies the various requirements for all platforms. Forinformation on certification, refer to NAEC-ENG-7576, APP 2 SUPP 1, and type commander directives. Forwaiver criteria, refer to Chapter 3 of <strong>NWP</strong> 3-04.1M(formerly <strong>NWP</strong> 42) and OPNAVINST 3120.28.10.2 VERTREP HELICOPTERSCurrently, the H-46 is the most widely used VER-TREP helicopter. The H-46 can VERTREP cargo on itsexternal cargo hook or by internal loading. The tandemrotor configuration of the H-46 allows maneuverabilitywithout the wind restrictions normally associated withtail rotor helicopters; thus, the ships may vary courseand speed while undergoing VERTREP. UH-1 helicoptersare equipped with external cargo hooks and have aweight-limited VERTREP capability. H-2 series helicoptershave a limited VERTREP capability because oftheir configuration and operational limitations. AlthoughH-3 series helicopters were not designed with aVERTREP capability, those that have been modifiedby the addition of an external hook have a limitedVERTREP capability. H-60 series helicopters areequipped with external cargo hooks and have a VER-TREP capability. CH-53 helicopters are equipped withexternal cargo hooks and are used by the USMC forvertical lifts and by the USN for VOD operations. Referto <strong>NWP</strong> 3-04.1M (formerly <strong>NWP</strong> 42) or APP 2 for thegeneral capabilities of the type of helicopter employed.USMC vertical-lift operations are described in paragraph10.16.10-1 ORIGINAL

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