UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>Transfer personnel internally in the helicopter.When a landing area is not available, raise and lowerpersonnel, using the helicopter’s utility hoist, when thehelicopter is positioned over the deck. Refer to <strong>NWP</strong>3-04.1M (formerly <strong>NWP</strong> 42).WARNINGThese restrictions apply to transfers ofpersonnel by helicopter:1. The maximum safe capacity of the utility hoist is600 lb (272 kg).2. Never attach the cable from the utility hoist tothe ship.Night helicopter passenger flights to or from air capableships shall be limited to situations of an operationalnecessity to properly certified ships. Transfer ofpassengers by hoist at night is prohibited, except in extremeemergency situations, and then only with theconcurrence of the pilot in command.The ship transferring passengers will originate andretain a manifest until the helicopter has delivered thepassengers to the receiving ship. Outfit all passengers,including litter cases, in accordance with <strong>NWP</strong> 42.Brief passengers on the following items:1. Use of rescue slings or seat.2. Hazards, including avoidance of reaching forany support that might be a helicopter or hoistcontrol lever.3. Assistance that the passenger can expect theflight crew to provide him/her, when enteringand departing from the helicopter.9.8 TRANSFER OF LIGHT FLEET FREIGHTAND MAILLight fleet freight, mail, medical supplies, movies,and similar materials may be transferred by synthetichighline, light line, helicopter, or a STREAM ornontensioned rig (see Chapters 6 and 7). VERTREP isan ideal means for underway transfer of light fleetfreight, nonregistered mail, and movies, using the proceduresin Chapter 10.Light fleet freight and mail may be transferred bysynthetic highline taken to power, if the receiving station’shighline padeye is static tested for a minimumload of 30,000 lb (13,608 kg). When the highlinepadeye’s test load is below the minimum, the highlineshall be hand tended.NoteDuring transfer of mail at night, attach acluster of at least three blue chemical lightsor a cluster of at least three one-cell, white,watertight flashlights to the bag.9.8.1 Classified Material and Registered U.S.Mail. Properly safeguard these items during transferusing these procedures:1. Obtain a weighted bag from the CMS custodian.The weighted bag will ensure sinking, if the bagis lost from the rig.2. Attach the weighted bag to a self-mousing cargohook.3. Attach a wire preventer to the bag’s straps, in amanner similar to that shown in Figure 9-2, topreclude loss of the bag.4. Secure a seizing line to the opening of the bag, toprevent inadvertent loss of the contents duringtransfer.9.8.2 Nonregistered U.S. Mail and Movies.Transfer these items in a flotation bag to preclude sinking.Use a wire preventer and a seizing line (see paragraph9.8.1).Helicopters normally carry these items internally;however, when fleet operational conditions dictate, theitems may be carried externally when enclosed intriwalled containers.9.8.3 Controlled Narcotics, Alcohol, AlcoholicBeverages, and Other Drugs and Chemicals.Transfer these items in the same manner as classifiedmaterial and registered U.S. mail (see paragraph 9.8.1).9-7 ORIGINAL

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