UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>CHAPTER 8Personnel Transfer — STREAM Riggingand Operation8.1 BASIC CONSIDERATIONSThe transfer of personnel at sea is a critical operation.Personnel on both ships who are involved in thetransfer must know the procedures in this chapter to ensurea safe and efficient transfer. Safety of the rig dependson highline wire rope inspection and periodicreplacement. Criteria are in each ship’s PMS and mustbe adhered to strictly.Normal replenishment speed for ships transferringpersonnel is 12 to 16 knots. The replenishment speedand transfer stations to be used will be promulgatedduring the planning phase of the replenishment operation(see paragraph 2.2.2).The STREAM rig can be used to quickly and safelytransfer large numbers of personnel, including personnelconfined in a Stokes litter. For transfer of personnelby hand-tended synthetic highline, see Chapter 9. Fortransfer of personnel by helicopter, see paragraph 9.7and <strong>NWP</strong> 3-04.1M (formerly <strong>NWP</strong> 42).8.2 TRANSFER OF PERSONNEL BYSTREAM RIGSTREAM is the preferred rig for expeditiouslytransferring personnel while ships are underway. Sincethis rig uses the highline winch and the ram tensioner tofurnish the load-carrying line, one ship must have aSTREAM delivery station and the other ship may havea sliding block, sliding-padeye, or fixed-padeye station.Rigging must include a pelican hook with its billstamped “Stream Pelican Hook,” this hook is secured toa certified highline with a 7/8 inch (22.2 mm) safety anchorshackle (no weaklink allowed). The rigging can beshifted to stream with traveling surf (and vice versa)without disconnecting the tensioned highline. This featureminimizes time alongside during the replenishmentoperation.8.3 PREPARING SHIPS FOR PERSONNELTRANSFERMake specific arrangements for receiving personnel.Assign an officer or enlisted escort to greet arrivals, toescort arrivals away from the landing area, and to briefpersonnel who are about to depart. This courtesy willprevent embarrassment to passengers, who may be unfamiliarwith the routine, and will also speed movementsto and from the landing area.For transfers of personnel to a STREAM deliverystation or a sliding-padeye receiving station, provide aone- or two-person transfer chair or a Stokes litter and acargo hook or Mk 5 strongback at the STREAM deliverystation. For delivery to a fixed-padeye receivingstation, provide a one-person transfer chair or a Stokeslitter and a cargo drop reel with wire preventer. Theship that provides the STREAM rig is responsible forthe condition of the equipment and fittings.8.4 PERSONNEL STREAM WITHHAND-TENDED OUTHAULFigure 8-1 shows the STREAM rig with handtendedouthaul for transfer of personnel (called personnelSTREAM for brevity). See Figures 6-37 and 6-38 atthe end of Chapter 6 and Figures 8-2 through 8-4 forhardware required at transfer stations.The STREAM trolley and suspended transfer chairare hauled over to the receiving station by a syntheticouthaul. The receiving ship provides line handlers. Thedelivery station pays out the inhaul as personnel at thereceiving station heave around on the outhaul. Theinhaul is used to haul the trolley and transfer chair backto the delivery station.8-1 CHANGE 1

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