UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>5. The delivery station attaches the receiving station’srunner block to the tie plate (Figure 7-8),using a 1-inch (27.4 mm) safety anchor shackle.NoteThis completes preparations for use of thedouble-whip (two boom) rig. Transferring the Load. At each station, anexperienced rig captain directs the winch operators by handsignals (see Appendix G). He shall ensure that an equalamount of wire is payed out by each winch. A safety observershould be assigned to each winch to ensure that at leastseven turns of wire remain on the winch drum at all times.1. The delivery station attaches four steadyinglines to the load (two supplied by the deliverystation and two by the receiving station).2. The delivery station hooks the load to the cargo hook.3. The delivery station lifts the load while the receivingstation holds its rig slack.4. When the load is high enough to clear the side atthe delivery station, the load is started across.The receiving station hauls in its Burton whip asthe delivery station pays out its Burton whip.5. During transfer, the runner blocks are keptwithin the white-painted marks on the Burtonwires. Both stations tend the steadying lines.NoteTransfer catenary provisions of paragraph7.1.5 and line loads in Figure 7-3 apply.6. When the load is hanging over the landing areaat the receiving station, the receiving stationslacks its rig and lowers the load to the deck.7. The receiving station disconnects the load fromthe cargo hook.8. To return the empty cargo hook and the steadyinglines to the delivery station for the next load,the receiving station pays out its Burton whip asthe delivery station hauls in its Burton whip.NoteAn empty cargo hook must be returned asprescribed in paragraph The receiving station returns handling gear andretrograde at times mutually agreed upon byboth stations. Retrieving the Rig. Return the empty cargohook after transfer of the last load. The delivery station:1. Secures the rig messenger to the receiving station’srunner block using a bight of the whip.2. Attaches the station phone line and phone/distanceline (if required) to the rig messenger.3. Disconnects the receiving station’s runner blockfrom the tie plate.4. Pays out the rig messenger. Breakout of Heavy Loads. Rig two boomson each side of the ship. (If two booms are not available, riga boom and kingpost.)1. Attach runner blocks from both whips to the tie plate.2. Hook up the load, lift it out of the hold, and landit in the transfer area on the deck.3. When the load is on deck, disconnect the offsidewhip from the tie plate.4. Connect the receiving station’s runner block tothe tie plate.An alternate method is to rig the off-side booms foryard-and-staying the load out of the hold and to use theon-side booms for transferring the load. This methodpermits simultaneous breakout and transfer.7.6.4 Alternate Double-Whip (Boom-and-Kingpost) Rig. This rig may be used for transfersbetween a replenishment ship and a carrier, when the replenishmentship has only two booms available at oneend of an active hold. Each station provides a doublewhip (paragraph 7.1.2). For transfer of heavy loads, theconditions in paragraph must be met. In addition,the outboard guy and preventer from the boom must beled forward sufficiently to preclude chafing of the rig.Breakout of loads should be completed, if practicable, priorto the approach of the receiving ship alongside. Simultaneousbreakout and transfer is not possible with this rig.The paragraphs below describe the procedures forrigging the delivery station and for hoisting the load outof the hold. The procedures for rigging the receiving7-13 ORIGINAL

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