UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>HOUSEFALL BLOCKSTREAM STATIONfrom highline winchwith ram tensionerfully charged.7/8" (22.2 mm)SAFETYANCHORSHACKLE1" (25.4) mm SAFETYANCHOR SHACKLESFigure 7-7. Basic Heavy-Lift/Double-Whip Burton Configurationsinduced compressive stresses on the booms duringtransfers.6. When using a double-whip rig, distance betweenships will be maintained between 80 and 140feet (24.3 and 42.6 m).7. Winches at the delivery station must provide apayout and recovery speed of not less than 240ft/min (1.2 m/s). Rigging Combinations. Transfer stationsmay be rigged using several possible combinations ofattachment points:1. Two booms, one heeled forward and the otheraft, plumbed over the landing area on the engagedside of the ship.2. One boom and one kingpost or mast.3. Two kingposts or masts, if the distance betweenthem is not excessive and a suitable landing areais available.4. Other attachment points on receiving ships, providedthat they meet location and test-load requirements.(For example, on a carrier: anairplane crane or padeyes installed under theflight deck.)Rig transfer stations in accordance with the ships’plans and within the static-tested load indicated on thelabel plate at each attachment point (see Figure 7-1).Specific rigging procedures for the basic doublewhip(two-boom) rig are provided in paragraphs 7.6.3through; those for the alternate double-whip(boom-and-kingpost) rig, in paragraphs 7.6.4 through7. Basic Double-Whip (Two-Boom) Rig. Fortransfer of heavy loads, the conditions in paragraph7.6.2.1 must be met. Each station provides a doublewhip (paragraph 7.1.2). Rigging the Delivery Station. Two 10-ton(9.0 t) booms are rigged for transfer, starting with the afterboom.1. Spool one end of the Burton wire onto a winchnear the landing area.2. Reeve the other end of the wire through a 14-inch(37.6 cm), high-speed, cargo block at the heel ofthe boom; then up through a block at the head ofthe boom; and then down to the deck.3. Pass the end of the wire through a 14-inch (37.6cm), high-speed, nonswiveling, runner block. Thisblock will be shackled to the tie plate in step 7.4. Lead the end of the wire through a block at thehead of the forward boom, then down through ablock at the heel of the boom, and spool the wireonto a winch near the forward boom.7-11 ORIGINAL

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