UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Disconnects the receiving station’s Burton whipfrom the tie plate swivel.5. Pays out the rig messenger.The delivery station, with the permission of the receivingstation, may disconnect the receiving station’sBurton whip from the tie plate swivel and castthe whip into the water. The station phone line andphone/distance line are returned on their own leadline messengers.Ensure that personnel on the receiving shipstand forward of the station, if it is agreed tocast the whip into the water.7.5.5 <strong>Ships</strong> Rigged for STREAM. Three variationsof the Burton rig can be used from any STREAMstation, provided that the whip is a minimum of 800 feet(243.8 m) of 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) wire rope. Rig the 1-inch(27.4 mm) or 7/8-inch (22.2 mm) highline or the 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) Burton whip, as in Figures 7-4b and7-4c; or lead a 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) whip on the outhauldirectly from a kingpost outrigger, as in Figure7-4a. When using the highline or inhaul, raise thesliding block to lift the load from the deck and lowerit on return of the empty cargo hook to retrieve thehook. Operation of these rigs is the same as that outlinedabove for the basic Burton rig. See the CAU-TION in paragraph HEAVY BURTONWARNINGHeavy Burton includes transfers by single-whip rigsof loads up to 6,000 lb (2,721 kg) in weight and byheavy-lift/double-whip rigs of loads up to 12,000 lb(5,442 kg) in weight. These rigs may be used in any seacondition suitable for single-whip burtoning, except thatthe combined ship roll should not exceed 5°. If overridingoperational circumstances require a heavy-lift transfer,and the combined ship roll exceeds 5°, the followinggeneral rules shall apply to the replenishment operation:1. Both ships’ commanding officers must agreethat the operational circumstances warrant thetransfer.2. Use only the most experienced winch operatorsavailable.3. Thoroughly inspect all rigging equipment, justprior to the transfer.4. The first lieutenant or ship’s bos’n shall be presentat the Burton station.5. The maximum distance from the rigging or loadattachment point to the bottom of the loadshould be the minimum possible (the maximumallowable distance is 12 feet (3.6 m)).7.6.1 Single-Whip, 6,000 lb (2,721 kg), BurtonTransfer. Loads up to 6,000 lb (2,721 kg) in weightmay be transferred using a single-part, 3/4-inch (19.0mm), wire rope. Rigging and transfer shall be the sameas for the basic Burton rig (see paragraphs 7.5through 7.5.4). Particular care must be taken duringthe transfer, inasmuch as the equipment used is operatingat full rated capacity.7.6.2 Heavy-Lift/Double-Whip, 12,000 lb (5,442kg), Burton Transfer. A single- or multiple-unitload up to 12,000 lb (5,442 kg) in weight may betransferred using one of the heavy Burton combinationsshown in Figure 7-6.In the heavy-lift method, the highline is controlledby the highline winch and ram tensioner. Rigs IA andIB in Figure 7-6 use a 1-inch (27.4 mm) or 7/8-inch(22.2 mm) highline as the Burton whip. The ramtensioner should be fully extended and the ram flaskscharged to the maximum rating of the highlinewinch. The STREAM transfer head should be raisedto the full-up position.CAUTIONMaintain the STREAM transfer head in thefull-up position during transfer.When rigging a highline from a STREAM stationfor heavy-lift transfer (Figure 7-7), shackle the endof the highline directly to the tie plate. Use a 7/8-inch(22.2 mm) safety anchor shackle.In the double-whip method, a nonswiveling runnerblock is maintained at the midpoint of a continuous3/4-inch (19.0 mm) whip. The runner block dividesthe line stress between the two parts of the wire. Useof continuous wire ensures that no more than one-halfof the strain imposed during the transfer will be borneby any boom, winch, or fitting. Thus, if one winchfails, the entire load will not be imposed on the remainingwinch. Each end of the wire is spooled onto awinch (the preferred method); or one end is spooledonto a winch and the other end is secured to a suitablefixed attachment point (if the other ship’s station is7-9 ORIGINAL

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