UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Fake down the rig messenger on deck, clear forrunning, with the end fitting near the transferstation.5. Secure the rig messenger to the Burton whip, inboardof the end fitting. Use a 3/4-inch (19.0mm) safety anchor shackle.6. Attach the station phone line and phone/distanceline (if it is required at the Burton station) to therig messenger.NoteThe tie plate is rigged by the delivery station.7.5.2 Passing the Lines. The procedures belowapply when the receiving ship is a CV, LPH, or any shipwith aircraft on deck. The procedures are the same forother receiving ships, except that the delivery ship providesthe bolo or gun line.1. The receiving station sends over the bolo or gunline.2. When the delivery station has the bolo or gun linein hand, personnel at the receiving station bendtheir end of the bolo or gun line onto the rigmessenger.3. The delivery station hauls the rig messenger aboard.4. Personnel at the delivery station detach the stationphone line and phone/distance line (if required),and walk them — forward or aft — clearof the transfer station.5. The delivery station continues to haul over the rigmessenger, until the Burton whip comes aboard.6. The delivery station fakes down the rig messengeron deck, so that it is clear for running whenbreakaway is ordered.7. The delivery station uses the bulwark gripper tohold the Burton whip from running free whileconnecting the whip to the tie plate swivel andrigging plate (Figure 7-5). Use a 7/8-inch (22.2mm) safety anchor shackle when the wire rope islarger than 3/4 inches (19.0 mm) in diameter.NoteThis completes preparations for the use ofthe basic Burton rig.7.5.3 Transferring the Load. Successful burtoningdepends on teamwork between the winchmen atboth stations. A constant tension should be maintainedon each whip, despite the relative movement caused byrolling and yawing.1. The delivery station hauls down on the lizardline and attaches the load to the cargo hook.2. The delivery station heaves in on its Burtonwhip and hoists the load clear of the deck rail.3. The receiving station takes a strain on its Burtonwhip, as the delivery station slacks away on itswhip, and the load is worked across.NoteTransfer catenary provisions of paragraph7.1.5 and line loads in Figure 7-3 apply.4. When the load is hanging from the receiving station’sattachment point, the receiving stationslacks its whip and lowers the load to the deck.5. The receiving station hauls down on the lizard lineand disconnects the load from the cargo hook.6. To return the empty cargo hook for the nextload, the delivery station takes a strain on itsBurton whip, as the receiving station slacksaway on its whip.NoteAn empty cargo hook must be returned asprescribed in paragraph The receiving station returns handling gear andretrograde at times mutually agreed upon byboth stations.8. The ship with the slower winch will set the pacefor the speed of transfer.7.5.4 Retrieving the Rig. The delivery station:1. Shackles the rig messenger to the receiving station’sBurton whip, behind the end fitting.2. Attaches the station phone line and phone/distanceline (if required) to the rig messenger.3. Uses the bulwark gripper to hold the Burtonwhip from running free.7-8 ORIGINAL

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