UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>7.3 PREPARING SHIPS FOR TRANSFERCareful planning by personnel of both the deliveryship and the receiving ship is necessary for successfultransfer of provisions and general stores. Personnelshould begin preparations prior to rendezvous.7.3.1 Rigs and Fittings. Personnel shall be familiarwith the rigs and fittings to be used and with the individualship’s plan. Personnel who are responsible forhooking up rigs and fittings shall take these steps:1. Examine the label plates adjacent to the rig’s attachmentpoints, prior to use.2. Ensure that each fitting is used only for its approvedpurpose.3. Determine that the static-tested loads are inaccordance with Figure 7-1.Deviations from the ship’s plan are not recommended.When deviations are necessary, the approvalof the commanding officer is required. The type commanderand NAVSEA should be advised of any requirementsthat necessitate deviations, so thatcorrective actions may be taken.Fleet-issued publications provide information on thereplenishment capabilities of ships and should be reviewedprior to preparing transfer stations.Use of the checklists in Appendix D will ensure thatall necessary equipment is available at transfer stations.Figures 7-9 and 7-10 at the end of this chapter list hardwarethat should be available at transfer stations.7.3.2 Personnel Duties. Refer to paragraph 2.11and Figure 2- Transfer at Night. Additional preparationsfor a replenishment operation at night are detailed inChapter 2.7.4 BURTON METHODSWhen burtoning, both transfer stations provide awhip to support the load. The delivery station pays outits whip and the receiving station hauls in its whip asthey work the load across. The rigging that the stationsuse will depend on the size of the load, on weight requirements,and on the equipment available at the station.For rigging for basic Burton, see paragraphs 7.5through 7.5.4; for rigging for heavy and double Burton,see paragraphs 7.6 through Conditions for Burtoning. Specific conditionsthat must be met, when rigging any method ofburtoning, are listed below:1. Attachment points must have been static tested toand labeled for a system load of 50,000 lb (22,675kg). Examples are a kingpost’s padeyes and links, anM-frame’s outrigger padeyes, and a CV’s deck padeyes.2. The minimum height of attachment points ateach station is 17 feet (7.1 m) above the deck.3. The maximum distance from the tie plate to thebottom of the load is 12 feet (3.6 m).4. Any boom that is used with a Burton rig must havea minimum lifting capacity of 10 tons (9.0 t).5. Fixed-length preventers used on booms must beadequate for single-whip, underway burtoning.The minimum diameter of wire rope for preventersis 1-1/8 inches (28.5 mm).6. No two, adjacent, Burton rigs shall be fastenedto a single attachment point — that is, to thesame boom head, padeye, long link, or pendant.Because 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) wire rope is used inBurton rigs, the system could develop up to200,000 lb (90,700 kg) of stress, if double riggedfrom the same attachment point.NoteAdditional conditions for heavy-lift and double-whipburtoning are listed in paragraph BASIC BURTON<strong>Ships</strong> may rig burtoning from a fixed attachment pointor outrigger on a kingpost (Figure 7-4a) or from a slidingblock (Figures 7-4b and 7-4c) at a STREAM station.A Burton station on a delivery ship generally consistsof a cargo winch and a kingpost with an outrigger.The cargo winch provides the Burton whip, which isreeved through the kingpost (Figure 7-4a).NoteFor a Burton station rigged from a sliding blockat a STREAM station, see paragraph 7.5.5.A Burton station on a receiving ship may be riggedfrom a kingpost or a fixed attachment point that meetslocation and test-load requirements.7-5 ORIGINAL

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