UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>CHAPTER 7Solid Cargo Transfer — BurtonRigging and Operation7.1 BASIC CONSIDERATIONSSolid cargo can be transferred using Burton methods;however, STREAM is the preferred method, whenboth the delivery ship and the receiving ship have thecapability to use it (see Chapter 6).This chapter covers transfers of solid cargo betweenU.S. Navy ships, including MSC ships and selectedmerchant ships, using Burton methods. For transfers ofsolid cargo between ships of the NATO nations, seeATP Rig Selection. Select the rig to be used for a particularreplenishment operation on the following bases:1. Type and quantity of cargo2. Capacity of the rig and associated fittings3. Weight of the heaviest load and size of the largestload4. Weather and sea conditions at the time oftransfer5. Type and location of receiving station.CAUTIONTwo restrictions apply to Burton rig transfers:1. <strong>Ships</strong> with third- and fourth-generationhauling winches are prohibited from usingtheir hauling winch.2. Weak-link end fittings shall not be used .Single Burton rigs are first in order of preference,followed by heavy-lift Burton and double-Burton rigs.<strong>Ships</strong> may also transfer personnel, light fleetfreight, and mail by synthetic highline (see Chapter9) or by helicopter (see paragraph 9.8 and Chapter10). For transfer of ammunition and missiles betweenships, see Chapter 6.For data on transfer stations, which is useful in selectingthe rig, refer to these sources:1. UNREP Station Capabilities Handbook,NAVSEA S9571-A1-HBK-0102. Fleet Underway Replenishment Guide, COM-NAVSURFPACINST 3180.2 or COMNAV-SURF LANTINST C9010.1 series.The requirements of the following paragraphs applyto the Burton rig selected.7.1.2 Wire Rope. Wire rope used in nontensionedrigs is in accordance with paragraph 2.3.1 and Figure7-1. The whip used in the rig must meet the minimumrequirements set forth in Figure 7-1 for diameter andlength of the wire.7.1.3 Rig Load Capabilities. Safe load capacitiesfor Burton rigs are given in Figure 7-1 and NAVSEA directivesand must be adhered to rigidly. Decrease theseload capacities when replenishing under adverse sea andweather conditions. Care must be taken to ensure that loadsfor transfer are compatible with both the static-tested loadsof the attachment points (see Figure 7-1) and the rated capacitiesof the winches (see Figure 7-2).7.1.4 Rig Fittings. The requirements for rig fittingsin paragraphs 2.6.1 through 2.6.6 apply to the fittingsused in Burton rigs.7.1.5 Catenary. Catenary is the angle that the whiptakes from the outboard fairlead block to the load. Theflatter the catenary, the greater the tension in the wire.7-1 ORIGINAL

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