UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>6.17 STREAM HEAVY-LIFT TRANSFERMETHODSHeavy-lift loads are loads that weigh between 5,700 lband 10,000 lb (2,584 kg and 4,536 kg). The CDR (see Figure6-26) is designed to transfer loads up to 5,700 lb(2,584 kg). Heavy-lift loads can be transferred by increasingthe ram tension air pressure at a heavy STREAM deliverystation. A heavy STREAM delivery station has ahighline winch that can tension the highline to 19,500 lb(8,845 kg). (For light STREAM delivery station heavylift,see paragraph 6.17.4.) Transfer of heavy-lift loads bythe methods used below requires that:1. Only the most experienced winch operatorsavailable shall be used.2. The first lieutenant or ship’s bos’n shall be presenton each ship at the transfer station in use.WARNINGThe first lieutenant or ship’s bos’n shallinspect the trolley’s label plate beforeconducting heavy lift and ensure that theload lift weight does not exceed the trolley’srated working load.CAUTIONUse only STREAM with traveling SURFwhen conducting heavy-lift transfers tosliding-padeye receiving stations.6.17.1 Heavy-Lift Transfer From a HeavySTREAM Delivery Station to a Sliding-PadeyeReceiving Station. If care is exercised, a heavySTREAM delivery station can transfer loads weighing5,700 to 10,000 lb (2,584 to 4,082 kg) to a slidingpadeyereceiving station as follows:1. Set ram tensioner air pressure at 2,250 psi (15,168kPa) air. See Appendix B for procedures to use.Once the transfer is completed, set the rampressure to 1,950 psi (13,436 kPa) air orless. Continued use of the STREAM rig at2,250 psi (15,168 kPa) air when transferringloads weighing less than 9,000 lb (4,082 kg)will unnecessarily accelerate wear on thehighline winch.2. Use the Mk 5 strongback rigged as shown in Figure6-12 to reduce the distance between thehighline and the bottom of the load.3. Use the adjustable slings shown in Figure 6-36between the strongback and the load.6.17.2 Special Consideration for Heavy-LiftTransfer of Loads Weighing 9,000 to 10,000 lb(4,082 to 4,536 kg) From a Heavy STREAMDelivery Station. In addition to the heavy-lift requirementsin paragraph 6.17.1, the following appliesfor transfer of loads weighing 9,000 to 10,000 lb (4,082to 4,536 kg):1. Sea state must be calm to 3.2. Distance between ships should not exceed 120feet (36.5 m).6.17.3 STREAM Heavy-Lift Transfer of AircraftEngines to Carriers. When transferring an aircraftengine to a carrier, the distance between ships shouldbe 100 to 120 feet (30.4 to 36.5 m) and the sling shouldbe as short as possible. It may be necessary for the carrierto induce a starboard list. If possible, transfer an aircraftengine between aft stations. Double Burton (seeparagraph 7.6) is a viable method when no other alternativeis available.6.17.4 Mk 5 Strongback Procedures(1) DELIVERY SHIPCAUTION1. Have three sets of Mk 5 strongback slings availableat the transfer station.6-58 ORIGINAL

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