UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>12. When slings are engaged on the return load, theCDR operator pulls on the lanyard to release thebrake. The hook will go up and lift the emptypallets clear of the deck. Cargo handlers assistby lifting on the pallets (Figure 6-32).NoteRetrograde material must weigh less than150 lb (68 kg) per load. If retrograde materialweighs in excess of 150 lb (68 kg) andno other means of lifting is available, use thethreefold method (paragraph 6.15.8).CARGODROPREEL6.15.6 Removing Sling From Palletized Ordnance.To remove slings from palletized ordnance,remove slings from CDR hook/hook adapter, and signalthe delivery station to retrieve the trolley. Returnfirst set of slings after disconnecting slings from thesecond load. (See Figure 6-33.)BRAKERELEASELANYARD6.15.7 Heavy Load Return. Loads in excess of150 lb (68 kg) can be returned by the following methodor by one of the tension/detension methods presented inparagraph 6.16.CARGOHANDLERTENDINGSLINGSCARGO DROPREEL OPERATORPULL LANYARDTO HAUL SLINGSCLEAR OF DECKEDGE(1) DELIVERY SHIP1. Lower the CDR hook sufficiently to allow thereceiving station to hook up the load.2. Raise the transfer head, and send the trolley tothe receiving station.3. Lower the transfer head to the full-downposition.6. Hold the trolley at the receiving station with theouthaul in tension control.(2) RECEIVING SHIP1. Clear the landing area of all personnel exceptcargo handlers needed to position and hook up theload.2. Position the return load under the highline asnear the deck edge as possible, but safe forhook-up.3. Stand clear of the load.Figure 6-31. Returning Sling4. Signal the delivery station to position the trolleyover the load.6-51 ORIGINAL

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