UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>NoteThe receiving station uses its inhaul as therig’s outhaul. When the inhaul winch isoperated in speed control, movement of thesliding block may result in a tightlinecondition. If winch operation is limited tospeed control only, the sliding block may beleft raised and the CDR used to lower theloads to the deck.6.13 STREAM LOAD-LOWERING METHODSWith STREAM rigs, the wires used to transfer theloads are fairled from high points at the delivery and receivingstation. This ensures that the loads will safelyclear the deck edges and stay clear of the water duringtransfer. The delivery station keeps the highlinetensioned throughout the transfer cycle to control theloads. The loads are raised from and lowered to thedecks without detensioning the rig. The delivery stationraises and lowers loads by moving the STREAM transferhead up and down (see paragraph 6.6.3). One ofthree methods are used at the receiving station to lowerthe loads after transfer:1. The receiving station lowers the STREAM rigand load, while the rig remains tensioned, bylowering the padeye to which the highline is attached.This method requires a sliding padeye atthe receiving station.2. The receiving station lowers the load, while therig remains tensioned and the highline remainsat a fixed height above the deck attached to apadeye or pendant. This method requires the deliverystation to rig a CDR on the trolley.3. The delivery station momentarily detensions therig after the load has reached the receiving stationand is hanging over the landing area. This methodrequires the use of special operating procedures.Operating procedures for each method are coveredin the following paragraphs.6.14 SLIDING PADEYEThe sliding padeye has a function at the receivingstation (Figure 6-25) similar to that of the sliding blockat the delivery station. It raises and lowers the padeye towhich the highline is attached. Lower the padeye tobring the rig close to the deck so that the incoming loadcan be easily detached. Raise the padeye to the upposition so that the trolley can be hauled back to thedelivery station.A sliding padeye at the receiving station permits riggingwith increased speed and safety at deck level,gives constant load control throughout the transfer cycle,and allows the receiving station to return heavyloads to the delivery station.Only a cargo hook is required on the trolley when theSTREAM rig is operated to a sliding-padeye receivingstation. The use of a Mk 1 or Mk 5 strongback may benecessary to accommodate height and width of someloads or when double lifts are feasible.6.14.1 Receiving Station’s Rigging Procedure.Most sliding padeyes have been designed to receive theSTREAM rig. Rig STREAM with the padeye at thedown position. Raise the padeye to the up position beforereceiving a load.6.14.2 Sliding Padeye Operation1. During the transfer cycle, keep the padeye in theup position so that the load clears the deck edge(see Figure 6-25).2. When the load is over the landing area (usuallythe trolley is two-blocked to the SURF), lowerthe padeye to bring the load to the deck.3. Lower the padeye until the sling(s) on the loadslack and can be easily detached from the cargohook or load.4. After the load has been detached, raise thepadeye to the up position so that the delivery stationcan haul the trolley back.6.15 CARGO DROP REELThe CDR is a device used to lower a load from a trolleyon a tensioned highline. Its use allows STREAM tobe rigged by ships having only a fixed-padeye, pendant,or support leg receiving station. The CDR does not providethe same degree of load control as the slidingpadeye, but it does allow the load to be lowered underthe control of the receiving station.The delivery station provides the CDR and attachesit to the trolley (Figure 6-26). The CDR has a 5,700 lb(2,584 kg) capacity. Paragraphs 6.15.1 through 6.15.6provide operating procedures for load transfer. Paragraphs6.15.7 and 6.15.8 provide operating proceduresfor heavy load return.6-45 ORIGINAL

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