UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. Ease the highline clear of the deck edge and releasethe easing-out line.4. Signal the delivery station to haul in the highlineand the station phone line.(8) DELIVERY SHIP1. Haul in the highline and the station phone line.2. Disconnect the phone/distance line.(9) RECEIVING SHIPHaul in the phone/distance line.6.11.5 Emergency Breakaway for STREAM WithHand-Tended Outhaul. Emergency breakaway isan accelerated breakaway using the standard proceduresdescribed in the preceding paragraph. The followingprocedures also apply:1. Permission from bridge to detension wires is notrequired.2. Use emergency breakaway signals in Appendix C.3. Clear the station of all nonessential personnel.4. Retrieve all loads expeditiously. Slack outhaul.5. Do not attempt to capture trolley in transfer headtrolley stowage arms or use a lizard line tofairlead the highline wire rope for retrieval.6. Detension the highline. When highline is slack,delivery station signals “Trip the pelican hook.”WARNING• Never trip a tensioned wire.• Never cut a tensioned wire.7. Commence hauling in all hand-tended lines. (Ifhand-tended lines interfere with the breakaway,the lines should be cut.)8. If unable to disconnect the rig, continue to payout until all wire is free of the drum.CAUTIONCutting of wires or lines during emergencybreakaway should be exercised only as a lastresort. A last resort situation generally is onein which there is (1) imminent danger to theship’s structure because of fouled wire or (2)imminent danger to ship’s personnel.9. Advise bridge that all lines are clear.6.12 STREAM CONSOLIDATIONVarious STREAM rigs can be used when two replenishmentships are consolidating; however, STREAMwith messenger-rigged STAR, STREAM with travelingSURF, or STREAM with receiving-ship-tendedouthaul (tensioned) should be selected.1. If only one of the replenishment ships has aSTREAM delivery capability, it provides theSTREAM rig (highline, trolley, and basic righardware).2. If both replenishment ships have STREAM deliverycapability, four combinations of rigs canbe used:a. STREAM with STAR (paragraph 6.9).b. STREAM with traveling SURF (paragraph6.10).c. STREAM with receiving-ship-tended outhaul(tensioned).NoteThe receiving station uses its inhaul as therig’s outhaul. The receiving station operatesits inhaul winch in tension control to providean all-tensioned wire rig. The receivingstation switches its inhaul from speedcontrol to tension control after its whip isconnected to the trolley at the deliverystation. For breakaway, the delivery stationsecures the trolley and then the receivingstation switches its inhaul winch to speedcontrol and tends slack to disconnect fromthe trolley.d. STREAM with receiving-ship-tended outhaul(nontensioned).6-44 ORIGINAL

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