UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. After the easing-out line is secure, cut the remainingstops.NoteAt a pendant receiving station, raise thependant and secure it to the deck padeye.4. Clear personnel from the immediate area.5. Notify the bridge and delivery station: “Ready totension highline.”(5) BOTH SHIPSProcedures for tensioning the highline are given inparagraph 6.9.2 (5), steps 1 through 6.(6) DELIVERY SHIPHaul in slack to tension the highline. Switch theinhaul winch to speed control.(7) BOTH SHIPSSTREAM with hand-tended outhaul is now readyfor transfer.6.11.3 Operating STREAM With Hand-TendedOuthaul. The trolley and suspended load are hauledto the receiving station by personnel at the station whoheave around on the outhaul. The delivery station keepsthe STREAM transfer head at the top of the kingpost sothat the load will be coming downhill for most of thedistance during the transfer. Personnel at the receivingstation may have to pull the load the last few feet on theuphill side of the catenary in the highline. The inhaulwinch is kept in speed control during the transfer and isused to haul the trolley back to the delivery station.Since the outhaul is hand tended, the receiving stationcontrols the load.WARNINGPersonnel assigned to a hand-tended lineshall be positioned inboard of the line andshall stay a minimum of 6 feet (1.8 m) fromthe fairlead blocks.The inhaul winch operator at the delivery stationmust remain alert for signals from the receiving station.When the trolley is against the STREAM transfer head,the inhaul winch must be in tension control before raisingor lowering the transfer head.6.11.4 Retrieving STREAM With Hand-TendedOuthaul(1) DELIVERY SHIP1. With the STREAM transfer head in the fulldownposition, retrieve the trolley and twoblockit to the transfer head.2. Haul in the outhaul.(2) RECEIVING SHIPTend the outhaul as the delivery station retrieves.(3) DELIVERY SHIPEnsure that the inhaul winch is in tension control,and then raise the transfer head to the full-up position.(4) RECEIVING SHIPNotify the bridge and delivery station: “Ready fordetensioning highline.”(5) BOTH SHIPSProcedures for detensioning the highline are given inparagraph 6.9.4 (5), steps 1 through 6.(6) DELIVERY SHIPWhen the highline is slack, signal the receiving stationto trip the pelican hook. Prior to tripping the pelicanhook, the delivery station rigs a lizard line andbelays it to ensure a proper fairlead into the trolley.The receiving station must not trip the pelicanhook until the highline is slack and the signalhas been given by the delivery station.(7) RECEIVING SHIPWARNING1. On signal, haul in on the easing-out line to takethe strain off the pelican hook. (If the highline isattached to a sliding padeye, lower the slidingpadeye and cut the sail twine that holds thecoiled easing-out line. Haul in on the easing-outline to take the strain off the pelican hook.)2. Trip the pelican hook.6-43 ORIGINAL

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