UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Retrieve all loads expeditiously.5. Detension the outhaul in accordance with approvedprocedures.6. Release the STAR rig and start retrieving.7. Do not attempt to capture trolley in transfer headtrolley stowage arms or use a lizard line to fairleadthe highline wire rope for retrieval.8. Detension the highline. When the highline is slack,delivery station signals “Trip the pelican hook.”WARNING• Never trip a tensioned wire• Never cut a tensioned wire.9. If unable to disconnect the rig, continue to payout until all wire is free of the drum.CAUTIONCutting of wires or lines during emergencybreakaway should be exercised only as a lastresort. A last resort situation generally is onein which there is (1) imminent danger to theship’s structure because of fouled wire or (2)imminent danger to ship’s personnel.10. Advise bridge that all lines are clear.6.10 STREAM WITH TRAVELING SURFSTREAM with traveling SURF is an all-tensionedwire rig. Winches at the delivery station tend thehighline, inhaul, and outhaul. The outhaul is reevedthrough the SURF. Figures 6-22 and 6-23 showSTREAM with traveling SURF.The highline is passed by messenger to the receivingstation and is connected there by the STREAM pelicanhook to the long link on the padeye or pendant. Thehighline is tensioned by hauling in the slack wire andcompressing the ram tensioner. The traveling SURF,which provides a fairlead for the outhaul, rides on thehighline. The outhaul is payed out in speed control andthe traveling SURF is hauled by messenger to the receivingstation and secured by the SURF hook to theSTREAM pelican hook. The delivery station tensionsthe outhaul and the rig is ready to operate.STREAM with traveling SURF is an alternate rig fortransfers to destroyers or to receiving stations that do nothave a winch available. It can be rigged to a slidingpadeye,fixed-padeye, or pendant receiving station. Thisrig is generally undesirable for transfers to a receivingstation that does not have a sliding padeye or that doesnot have a rigger-access platform near the attachmentpoint (as shown in Figure 6-14). It is less desirable thanSTREAM with STAR. For transfers to a sliding-padeyereceiving station, use the Mk 1 strongback or cargohook. For transfers to a fixed-padeye or pendant receivingstation, use the CDR.Figures 6-37 and 6-38 at the end of the chapter listhardware that should be available at transfer stations.6.10.1 Preparing STREAM With Traveling SURF(1) DELIVERY SHIP. (See Figure 6-22.)1. Attach the inhaul to the STREAM trolley. Reevethe highline through the trolley.2. Install the CDR, Mk 1 strongback, or cargo hookonto the trolley. The drop reel is installed withthe brake release lanyard aft.3. Reeve the outhaul through the SURF. Attach theouthaul to the trolley.4. Reeve the highline through the SURF supporttube. Insert the highline in the same side as theouthaul outrigger on the kingpost.5. For a highline winch not equipped with a slip clutch,secure the the 1-3/8-inch (36.9 mm) STREAM pelicanhook to the highline using a highline sheer pinadapter assembly. For a highline winch equippedwith a slip clutch, secure the 1-3/8-inch (36.9 mm)STREAM pelican hook to the highline using a 7/8-inch (22.2 mm) safety anchor shackle.6. Attach the SURF hook to the SURF.7. Fake out the STAR messenger. Attach the inboardend of the messenger to the eye of theSURF. Stop off the highline to the messenger 350feet (106.6 m) from the inboard (shackled) end ofthe messenger. Stop off first to the shackle on thehighline end fitting, then use two stops on thehighline about 12 inches (30.5 cm) apart. (Referto Figure 6-22 for the way to tie the stops.)8. Attach the station phone line and the lead line messengerfor the phone/distance line (if required).6-34 ORIGINAL

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