UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>(3) DELIVERY SHIPThe SURF must be released from thereceiving station before the trolley supportarm’s restraining bar is closed and secured.1. Retrieve the SURF and the STAR latch assembly.2. Move the transfer head to the full-down positionand close the trolley support arms (if applicable).3. Raise the transfer head to the full-up position.(4) RECEIVING SHIPNotify the bridge and delivery station: “Ready fordetensioning highline.”(5) BOTH SHIPSWARNING1. The receiving station’s phone talker notifiesboth his bridge and the delivery station: “Readyto detension highline at station ____.” Thisalerts the bridge that the highline will be detensionedshortly. Bridge will grant permissionto detension highline.2. When the message is received at the deliverystation, the phone talker there informs hisbridge: “We are detensioning highline at station____ .” At the same time, the rig captain instructsthe winch operator to turn ON the ASD,if installed, and to pay out the highline, which allowsthe ram tensioner to extend and slacken thehighline. No response is required from thebridge, unless it is negative.3. To complete the communication loop, the deliveryship’s bridge shall immediately notify the receivingship’s bridge: “We are detensioninghighline at station ____ .”4. If the receiving ship’s bridge determines that itdoes not want to detension the highline anytimeafter it has received word that the receiving stationis ready, it shall immediately notify both thedelivery ship’s bridge and the receiving station.The delivery ship’s bridge shall in turn immediatelypass the word to the delivery station: “Donot detension at station ____ .” The rig captainshall immediately instruct the winch operator tostop detensioning the highline.(6) DELIVERY SHIPWhen the highline is slack, signal the receiving stationto trip the pelican hook. Prior to tripping the pelicanhook, the delivery station rigs a lizard line to thehighline and belays it to ensure a proper fairlead intothe trolley.The receiving station must not trip thepelican hook until the highline is slack andthe signal has been given by the deliverystation.(7) RECEIVING SHIP1. On signal, haul in on the easing-out line to takethe strain off the pelican hook. (If the highline isattached to a sliding padeye, lower the slidingpadeye and break the sail twine that holds thecoiled easing-out line. Haul in on the easing-outline to take the strain off the pelican hook.)2. Trip the pelican hook.3. Ease the highline clear of the deck edge and releasethe easing-out line.4. Signal the delivery station to haul in the highlineand the station phone line.(8) DELIVERY SHIP1. Haul in the highline and the station phone line.2. Disconnect the phone/distance line.(9) RECEIVING SHIPWARNINGHaul in the phone/distance line.6.9.5 Emergency Breakaway for STREAM WithSTAR. Emergency breakaway is an accelerated breakawayusing the standard procedures described in the precedingparagraph. The following procedures also apply:1. Permission from bridge to detension wire is notrequired.2. Use emergency breakaway signals in Appendix C.3. Clear the station of all nonessential personnel.6-33 ORIGINAL

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