UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>STREAM rigs in order of preference for various receivingstations (see Figure 6-15) are:1. STREAM with STAR (recommended for nonsliding-padeyestations) (paragraph 6.9)2. STREAM with traveling SURF (required forheavy lift to CV with sliding-padeye) (paragraph6.10)3. STREAM with hand-tended outhaul (paragraph6.11).6.9 STREAM WITH STARSTREAM with STAR is an all-tensioned wire rig.Winches at the delivery station tend the highline,inhaul, and outhaul. The STAR latch assembly is boltedonto the traveling SURF and the outhaul is reevedthrough the SURF. The highline end fitting is insertedinto the STAR probe and attached to the standard pelicanhook using the STAR shear pin adapter or a 7/8inch (22.2 mm) safety anchor shackle. Figure 6-16shows the major assemblies.The highline is passed by STAR messenger to the receivingstation and is connected there by the pelicanhook to the long link on the padeye or pendant. Thehighline is tensioned by hauling in the slack wire andcompressing the ram tensioner. The SURF, which providesa fairlead for the outhaul, rides on the highline.The STAR and SURF are hauled by messenger alongthe highline until the STAR latch assembly slides overthe STAR probe and the latches engage on the probe.The receiving station slacks the messenger, the deliverystation tensions the outhaul, and the rig is ready tooperate.STREAM with STAR can be rigged to a slidingpadeye,fixed-padeye, or pendant receiving station. Fortransfers to a sliding-padeye receiving station, use thecargo STREAM strongback or cargo hook. For transfersto a fixed-padeye or pendant receiving station, usethe CDR.WARNINGUse STREAM with traveling SURF vice theSTAR latch assembly when conductingtransfers to and from aircraft carriersequipped with sliding padeyes.Figures 6-37 and 6-38 at the end of the chapter listhardware that should be available at transfer stations.6.9.1 Preparing STREAM With STAR(1) DELIVERY SHIP. (See Figure 6-17.)NotePlace trolley in support arms where applicable.1. Attach the inhaul to the STREAM trolley. Reevethe highline through the trolley.2. Install the CDR, cargo STREAM strongback, orcargo hook onto the trolley. The drop reel is installedwith the brake release lanyard aft.3. Reeve the outhaul through the SURF. Attach theouthaul to the trolley.4. Reeve the highline through the SURF supporttube. Insert the highline on the same side as theouthaul outrigger on the kingpost.5. Reeve the highline through the STAR latch assembly.Insert the highline into the probe untilthe highline end fitting sticks out of the end ofthe probe. (See Figure 6-17.)6. For a highline winch without a slip clutch, installa highline shear pin adapter. Connect the highlineshear pin adapter to the highline end fitting.Use a bolt and a cotter pin from a 7/8-inch (22.2mm) safety anchor shackle. (For a highlinewinch equipped with a slip clutch, do not use thehighline shear pin.) If the highline winch has aslip clutch in the winch drum, use a 7/8-inch(22.2 mm) safety anchor shackle to connect thehighline end fitting to the pelican hook and omitstep 7. Rig shackle as shown in Figure 6-21.CAUTIONDo not use the STREAM pelican hook (withbail) with this rig.7. Attach the standard 1-3/8-inch (36.9 mm) pelicanhook to the highline shear pin adapter. Connecta 50,000 lb (22,675 kg) shear pin directly tothe pelican hook.8. Attach the STAR latch assembly to the SURF.Use the SURF pad bolt. Ensure that the centerlineof the STAR latch assembly aligns with theSURF support tube (which contains the highline).6-23 ORIGINAL

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