UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>TRAVELINGSURFSTAR LATCH ASSEMBLY1-3/8" (34.9 m)PELICAN HOOKLONG LINKHIGHLINEPADEYEHIGHLINEFAIRLEADPADEYEBULKHEAD,KINGPOST, OROUTRIGGEROUTHAUL7/8" (22.2 mm)SCREW-PINANCHORSHACKLERELEASING LINEFAIRLEADBLOCKFigure 6-13. Fixed Padeye Receiving Station (Typical) — Shown With STREAM With STARdetensions the highline (see paragraph 6.9.4 (5)). Afterthe highline is detensioned, the receiving station:1. Tends the haul-down line, leads to a cleat, andholds.2. Hauls in on the tackle to take the strain off thepelican hook at the deck padeye.3. On signal from the delivery station, trips the pelicanhook at the deck padeye.WARNINGTrip the pelican hook on the deck padeyebefore tripping the pelican hook on thehighline. Receiving station must not tripeither pelican hook until the highline isslack and the signal has been given by thedelivery station.4. Eases out on the tackle to lower the outboard endof the pendant and the pelican hook on thehighline to within reach at deck level.5. Continues to hold the haul-down line to keepthe pelican hook on the highline from movingoutboard.6. Trips the pelican hook on the highline.7. Eases the highline over the side with easing-outline as the delivery station hauls in the highline.6.7.4 STREAM Support Leg Receiving Station.The STREAM support leg, installed in carriers, is apendant receiving station. The support leg is installed inthe overhead inside the hangar deck and folds up out ofthe way when not in use. Rigging and retrieving proceduresare similar to paragraphs and STREAM SYSTEM — DESCRIPTIONAll STREAM rigs use a tensioned highline to supportthe trolley and suspended load, but there are differentways of rigging the outhaul and different methodsof lowering the load at the receiving station. The followingSTREAM rigs are discussed in the paragraphsthat follow:1. STREAM with STAR (paragraph 6.9)2. STREAM with traveling SURF (paragraph 6.10)3. STREAM with hand-tended outhaul (paragraph6.11)4. STREAM consolidation (paragraph 6.12).6-21 ORIGINAL

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