UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>KINGPOST (M-FRAME TYPE SHOWN)(HAS TRACK IN WHICHSLIDING BLOCK RIDES)INHAULHIGHLINEVERTICALTRAVEL(which permit manhandling of the dolly and load ondeck), shock absorbers on each wheel, and fold-downside bumpers. The dolly provides mobility and shockprotection for the missile or booster load. Cargo Drop Reel. Install the CDR to theSTREAM trolley whenever missiles and componentsare delivered to a fixed padeye (see Figures 6-8 and6-9). Steadying lines rigged to the load are required. ForCDR operation, see paragraph 6.15.OF SHIPSLIDING BLOCK(DRIVEN UP & DOWNBY CHAIN ORHYDRAULIC PISTON)STREAM TRANSFER HEADFigure 6-6. STREAM Transfer Headmessenger along the tensioned highline to the receivingstation. The SURF has a pair of sheaves to fairlead theouthaul (see Figure 6-23). The highline is reevedthrough one of the two support tubes located betweenthe sheaves. Two support tubes are provided to permitoff-setting of the highline to clear the outhaul. Whenthe SURF is used alone, it is called a traveling SURF(see Figures 6-15 and 6-23).6.6.6 SURF Traveling Actuated RemotelyRig. A STAR rig is a STAR latch assembly bolted to aSURF (see Figure 6-16). A STAR probe is secured atthe outboard end of the highline (see Figures 6-13 and6-16). The latch assembly and probe mate automaticallywhen the rig is passed to the receiving station. Theyare remotely unlatched when the rig is retrieved. TheSTAR rig eliminates the need to send personnel aloftfor these purposes.6.6.7 Special Handling Equipment for Transferof Ammunition and Missiles. Ammunition, missiles,and components require special handling equipmentfor intership transfer because of the large weight and/orsize of the load and because missiles and components areeasily damaged during transfer. Figure 6-8 illustrates amissile transfer in a Mk 6 missile transfer dolly to a slidingpadeyeand a fixed-padeye receiving station. Mk 6 Missile Transfer Dolly. Use the Mk6 missile transfer dolly to transfer noncontainerizedmissiles and boosters. It is constructed of tubular steeland has a dead-man brake system, castered wheels6.6.7.3 Positive Lock. A positive lock is providedwith the CDR. Rig it to the CDR to prevent accidentallowering of the load (see Figure 6-10). A cable extenderis provided for the safety chain part of the positivelock (see Figure 6-10). Use it with a retrograde loadwhen the CDR is not two-blocked. Mk 1 Strongback. Install the Mk 1 strongbackto the STREAM trolley whenever missiles and componentsare delivered to a sliding padeye, regardless ofwhat container is used (see Figures 6-8 and 6-11).6.7 RECEIVING SHIP — STREAM EQUIPMENTThere are four basic receiving stations for STREAMrigs:1. Sliding-padeye2. Fixed-padeye3. Pendant4. STREAM support leg (CV only).Figure 6-38 at the end of the chapter contains a list ofhardware required at the receiving station.6.7.1 Sliding-Padeye Receiving Station. Loadsup to the full capacity of the STREAM rig can be sent toor returned from a sliding-padeye receiving station (seeFigure B-2). Figure 6-12 shows a bulkhead-mounted,sliding-padeye receiving station; other types in useare portable, retractable, and overhead stowed. Thepadeye is powered to move up or down in a guidetrack mounted on the kingpost. It is lowered to apoint near the deck for attaching the highline, raisedto the top of the kingpost for receiving a load, andlowered far enough to land the load on deck. This featureprovides good load control and also allows thereceiving station to return heavy loads. The cargohook adapter and Mk 1 strongback are attached tothe trolley for transfers to a sliding-padeye receivingstation. A Mk 5 strongback is used for transfer6-13 ORIGINAL

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