UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>7. If the receiving ship does not have the unloadingarea or the capability to handle full pallet loads,the ammunition ship should send over partialpallet loads.8. Transfer loose rounds and individual small containersin skip boxes, metal pallet crates, orcargo nets.9. Once a transfer dolly is unloaded, return it to thedelivery ship for reloading and retransfer. Aftertransfers are completed, return remaining dolliesand pallets, empty containers, handling bands,pallet trucks, Mk 45 handlift trucks, and so forthto the delivery ship. Return small items in a skipbox or net.6.4.4 Safety. Personnel engaged in handling ammunitionand missiles must know and comply with allsafety precautions regarding the methods and equipmentfor handling ammunition and missiles. They mustalso be thoroughly familiar with the general safety precautionsin paragraph 2.10.1 and wear the safety equipmentrequired by paragraph 2.10.2.All necessary precautions must be taken to preventdamage to ammunition and missiles during transfer,such as adequate padding on decks, bulkheads, and gunmounts.Special precautions for transfer of ammunition andmissiles are described in the paragraphs below. Fire Precautions. Except in freezing weather,replenishment ships make ready for use (1) one fire hosewith applicator attached at each transfer station and (2)one additional hose at each hold, elevator access, orcompartment containing or working military explosives,when the hatch serving the hold is open. These lines shallbe of sufficient length to reach all portions of the hold orcompartment.<strong>Ships</strong> other than replenishment types shall makeready two fire hoses with applicators attached at eachtransfer station.All fire hoses shall be charged, except in freezingweather.On carriers, when compliance would result in chargedsaltwater hoses crossing fire control or damage controlboundaries (Zebra hatches), quick-reel AFFF systemsmay be used, in lieu of saltwater hoses, provided thatoverhead sprinklers in the hangar bay are available andthe appropriate conflagration stations are manned. Winch Precautions. Winch operators areresponsible for the safety and efficiency of the transferoperation. Inhaul and outhaul winch operators must actindependently, after the rig captain has told them to proceed,when passing the rig, during the transfer, and whenretrieving the rig. The highline winch operator must alsoact independently, when passing and retrieving thehighline, and when maintaining the ram tensioner in thesafe zone (as required). Winch operators should be incommunication with station-to-station phone talkers, therig captain (when he desires), and winch watchers.6.5 STREAM SYSTEM — INTRODUCTIONIn a STREAM transfer, cargo is suspended from a trolleythat rides on a tensioned wire highline from aSTREAM transfer station on the delivery ship to a receivingstation on the receiving ship. The tension in thehighline supports the trolley and suspended load duringthe transfer. Highline tension is applied by the ram tensionerand remains the same regardless of ship motion or ship separationuntil the distance between ships exceeds theamount of wire rope available on the winch drum.The type of STREAM rig used depends on the productsfor transfer, available attachment points, and availableSTREAM equipment at the delivery and receivingstations. Figure B-2 provides rig capacities — that is,load weight versus highline tensioning versus distancebetween ships. Figure 6-2 shows a STREAM rig withall-tensioned wires. Paragraphs 6.6 and 6.7 describeSTREAM equipment at the delivery and receiving stationsand outline the principles of STREAM operation.6.6 DELIVERY SHIP — STREAM EQUIPMENTMost of the STREAM equipment is installed at theSTREAM transfer station on the delivery ship. Figure6-37 at the end of the chapter contains a list of hardwarerequired at the delivery station.6.6.1 Highline Winch Antislack Device andRam Tensioner. The highline supports the trolleyand suspended load. Reeving of the highline through theram tensioner ensures constant load support, regardlessof ship motion. The ASD provides a constant pull on thehighline so that wire on the drum does not become slackduring rigging operations. The ASD will be located either(1) between the highline winch and the ram tensioner or(2) outboard of the ram. As the distance between shipsvaries, the ram tensioner, working with the highlinewinch, maintains a constant tension in the highline bytaking in or paying out wire. The ram tensioner consistsof a large hydraulic cylinder with an air/oil accumulator.It automatically adjusts for ship’s roll and6-7 ORIGINAL

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