UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>6.3.5 Transfer of Ammunition and Missiles.Ammunition and missiles can be transferred bySTREAM and nontensioned methods. Since STREAMis the preferred method, the details for transferring ammunitionand missiles will be discussed in this chapter.The common preparations in Chapter 2 also apply.Preparations for transfer by VERTREP should be madein accordance with the instructions in Chapter 10.This chapter and Chapter 7 list the rigs in order ofpreference, the basis for selecting the rig, and informationon preparing transfer stations on the delivery andreceiving ships. Use the lists of hardware in Figures6-37 and 6-38 or Figures 7-17 and 7-18 and the checklistsin Appendix D to ensure that all necessary equipmentis available at the transfer stations for the rigs tobe used. Assign personnel duties in accordance with replenishmentrequirements. Give specific attention tothe following preparations:1. Limit breakout of ordnance prior to the replenishmentoperation to that required to preclude asignificant reduction in the transfer rate.2. Both ships provide wedges, chocks, preventers,and so forth, to prevent rolling and shifting ofammunition on deck.3. Cover landing areas with rubber matting, whenbare ammunition is to be transferred (i.e., whenan item is not in a transfer dolly, in its prescribedcontainer, or on a pallet).4. The receiving ship’s plans must provide forkeeping the landing area clear for arrivingcargo and for expediting strikedown. Makemaximum use of mechanical handling andstrikedown equipment.5. If the receiving ship does not have pallet trucksor enough Mk 45 handlift trucks, it should requestthe delivery ship to send them over at thebeginning of the transfers. The delivery shipshould have special handling equipment readyfor transfer, when the receiving ship comesalongside. The receiving ship must return specialhandling equipment to the delivery ship,when the transfers are completed.6. Adequately pad decks, bulkheads, and gunmounts in the vicinity of the transfer stations toprevent damage to ammunition and missilesduring the transfers. Exchange of Information6. Receiving Ship. After the replenishmentschedule has been determined, each scheduled receivingship should provide the delivery ship with the followinginformation:1. Commodity identification by type and quantity(include mode/identification numbers) specificallyrequired at each station.2. Order for transfer of missiles and boosters:booster-booster, missile-missile; or boostermissile,booster-missile.3. Direction that missiles and boosters should faceduring transfer, as required by the receivingship’s strikedown system.4. Need to receive partial pallet loads of ammunition,if full pallet loads cannot be handled.5. Requirements for special handling equipment toexpedite strikedown.6. Tartar missile handling-lug orientation.NoteTartar missiles are loaded with the A-sideup; if they are to be loaded with the B-sideup, the missiles must be rolled over on thedelivery ship.7. Missile return arrangements. When the receivingship plans to return missiles, it shall advisethe delivery ship of:a. Number and type of missilesb. Sequence within the transfer cycle: before receivingnew missiles, or alternately receivingand returning missilesc. Requirements for handling bands or otherhandling equipment. Delivery Ship. The delivery ship shalladvise the receiving ship on the following items:1. Transfer stations to be used2. Transfer rigs to be used6-5 ORIGINAL

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