UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong> Cargo Plan. Ammunition ships are loadedin accordance with a specific cargo plan, which showsthe location of each item of cargo. The plan is based on requirementsforwarded by the fleet to the ordnance facility.Personnel at the ordnance facility prepare the preliminarycargo plan, using the replenishment schedule as a guide.They provide some flexibility in the plan to accommodatepossible changes in the replenishment schedule. Cargo Stowage. Representatives from boththe delivery ship and the ordnance facility determine thefinal stowage of cargo at a preloading conference. Theymust consider the following items:1. Designated deck-loading capacity of the ship2. Cubic volume and weight of items of cargo3. Distribution of cargo for proper trim and stabilityat sea as scheduled transfers of cargo are made4. Provision for adequate, clear, working spaceswithin the cargo area5. Safe location of cargo in relation to the ship’svulnerability to mine or collision damage6. Metal dunnage system usage requirements7. Explosive compatibility of ordnance material. Loading. The ordnance facility does theloading; however, the ship’s commanding officer retainsthe final responsibility for ensuring that his ship isproperly loaded within its designed capabilities.Loading procedures must comply with NAVSEAOP 3206, and must also be in accordance with U.S.Coast Guard, Code of Federal Regulations (46 CFR,Part 146), Transportation or Storage of Military Explosives.Except as authorized by CNO, deviations fromthe requirements of 46 CFR, Part 146, are not permitted.Should a situation arise in which it appears to be infeasibleto meet the requirements of 46 CFR, Part 146, arequest for a waiver of the specific requirements maybe submitted to CNO via NAVSEA. This policy is currentlyset forth in OPNAVINST 8023.2. However, thepolicy is not to be construed so as to interfere with theauthority of the commanding officer of any ship thattransports military explosives as cargo to take emergencyaction for the safety of his ship or to meet anymilitary emergency. Should such emergency actionresult in deviations from the requirements of 46 CFR,Part 146, the deviations shall be reported to CNO atthe earliest opportunity.6.3 PREPARING SHIPS FOR TRANSFERCareful planning by personnel of both the deliveryship and the receiving ship is necessary for successfultransfer of provisions and general stores. Personnelshould begin preparations prior to rendezvous.6.3.1 Rigs and Fittings. Personnel shall be familiarwith the rigs and fittings to be used and with the individualship’s plan. Personnel who are responsible forhooking up rigs and fittings shall take these steps:1. Examine the label plates adjacent to the rig’s attachmentpoints, prior to use.2. Ensure that each fitting is used only for itsapproved purpose.3. Determine that the static-tested loads are in accordancewith Figure B-2.Deviations from the ship’s plan are not recommended.When deviations are necessary, approval shallbe requested from the type commander. NAVSEAshould be advised of any requirements that necessitatedeviations, so that corrective actions may be taken.Fleet-issued publications provide information on thereplenishment capabilities of ships and should be reviewedprior to preparing transfer stations.Use of the checklists in Appendix D will ensure thatall necessary equipment is available at transfer stations.Figures 6-37 and 6-38 at the end of this chapter listhardware that should be available at transfer stations.6.3.2 Personnel Duties. Assign personnel in accordancewith the requirements of the rigs to be usedand the number of stations to be manned.6.3.3 Transfer at Night. Additional preparationsfor a replenishment operation at night are detailed inChapter Heavy-Lift Transfer Preparations. For additionalpreparations and special handling equipment forheavy-lift transfer, see paragraph 6.16 and Figure 6-36.6-4 ORIGINAL

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