UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong> MSC 4020-4 Discharge Report.The tanker shall make a Routine precedence messagereport upon completion of cargo transfer in the followingformat:FROM:TO:INFO:Tanker NameCOMSC WASHINGTON DC//PM3//DFMC FT BELVOIR//BID//NAVPETOFF ALEXANDRIA VA(Ship’s owner-operator)(Petroleum inspector and/or MSCrepresentative at next discharge point)UNCLASMSC 4020-4A. Tanker nameB. Radio call lettersD. Name of ship receiving cargoK. Cargo numberL. ProductM. Barrels of product transferredN. Long tons of product transferredQ. Next port of callR. ETA next portS. Milstrip document number on the DD 1149obtained from the receiving shipT. Whether awaiting next discharge or completedfinal dischargeU. Time expended to dischargeV. Remarks. Loading Report. When cargo is transferredbetween two tankers, the one being loaded makes a loadingreport (MSC Report 4020-3); the discharging tankermakes a discharge report (MSC Report 4020-4). Operational Reports. On completion ofeach refueling operation, masters of tankers submit anoperational report (MSC Report 3180-1) to COMSC,with a copy to the owner-operator. There is no officialform for this report. It is sent as a letter, using the formatshown in Figure 5-27. Also, commanding officers offleet units are requested to furnish COMSC a narrativeevaluation of the operation, unclassified if possible.5.8.10 Emergency Safety Measures. The possibilityof deteriorating weather conditions makes itmandatory that both ships be prepared for emergencies,such as man overboard. Man Overboard Procedures. Whenpracticable, station a lifeguard ship astern to rescuepersonnel who may fall overboard. Both ships musthave lifebuoys ready for use, if required. Should a personfall overboard:1. A lifebuoy is dropped, and at least six shortblasts are sounded on the ship’s whistle.2. If a lifeguard ship is on station, the tanker andthe fleet unit maintain course and speed whilethe lifeguard ship effects the rescue.3. When no lifeguard ship is assigned, an emergencybreakaway must be made. After breakaway,the fleet unit maneuvers to recover theperson, while the tanker maintains course. Whensafely clear, the tanker also maneuvers as necessaryto assist in recovering the person. Heavy Weather Procedures. Safety ofpersonnel on the tanker is vested in the master. In heavyweather, the master shall ensure that appropriate personnelsafety precautions are taken. The master also decidesif refueling should be postponed becauseconditions are too hazardous for personnel on thetanker.5.8.11 Nontensioned Highline Transfers.Tankers can transfer light freight, stores, and personnel.All USNS tankers have special padeyes and links forhighline transfer installed at two stations, one on eachside. The highline padeyes and links have been tested toa horizontal pull of 22,500 lb (10,204 kg) and the inhaulpadeyes to 8,000 lb (3,628 kg). Some industry-ownedtankers have special padeyes and links installed, whileothers have some high attachment point to which ahighline can be rigged. None of the tankers have transferrigs or containers; they rig the lines provided by thefleet ship. A synthetic highline is used to transfer lightfreight or mail.Only 4-inch (101.6 mm), double-braided, polyesterline (MIL-R-24536) may be used as a highline to transferpersonnel. A 1-inch (25.4 mm) shackle is used insteadof a pelican hook to secure the synthetic highlineto the tanker’s padeye. During personnel transfers, alllines must be hand tended; winches and capstans mustnot be used. The synthetic highline has a maximum safetransfer load of 600 lb (272 kg).5.8.12 Tensioned Highline Transfers. SelectedUSNS cargo ships are equipped with sliding padeyes towhich the UNREP ship’s tensioned highline STREAMrig can be connected. These ships can use the personnelSTREAM transfer method described in Chapter Extended Fleet Operations. Appendix Econtains standard operating procedures for MSCcontrolledtankers assigned to extended fleet operations.5-38 ORIGINAL

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