UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. After tension has been released and the fleet unithas given the signal, the pelican hook is trippedand the span wire is eased over the side with aneasing-out line.CAUTIONThis can be dangerous if tension has notbeen released from a tensioned rig or if thehose has not been retrieved. Do not trip thepelican hook prior to the signal from thefleet unit.4. After the gear has been recovered, the fleet unitincreases speed and pulls away from the tanker.5. The tanker holds course and speed until the fleetunit is well clear.5.8.7 Emergency Breakaway. Tanker personnelshould be instructed in the emergency breakaway proceduresgiven in Chapter 2.Personnel must be assigned specific emergencybreakaway duties in advance. Knives, marlinespikes,wrenches, axes, and sledge hammers must be on hand.At no time should refueling stations be left unattended.If an emergency breakaway is ordered, the followingprocedures are of major importance:1. Stop pumping immediately.2. Clear the transfer station of all unnecessary personnel.The hose may whip around when released.Also, since a blowdown is not possible,oil spillage from the hose may create slipperyfooting.3. If a breakable-spool coupling is used, break it bystriking the groove a sharp blow with a sledgehammer. If a Robb coupling is used, force backthe sleeve on the coupling with two marlinespikesuntil it releases. When both the breakable-spooland Robb coupling are used incombination, strike the groove of the breakablespool a sharp blow with a sledge hammer.4. Ease out the hose with the riding line. If necessary,cut the riding line.5. If possible, trip the pelican hook after the fleetunit has slackened the span wire. The deckcrew member who trips the pelican hook mustbe inboard and forward of the hook, especiallyif there is no opportunity to use an easing-outline on the span wire.6. Return the phone/distance line and station-to-stationphone line after the hose and span wire are clear.5.8.8 Logistic Support. When a tanker is underthe operational control of a fleet unit, the fleet unit willprovide logistic support.1. The naval commander arranges for mail deliveryto the tanker.2. When consolidation is to be performed in port,the naval commander arranges for tugs and pilot,if such assistance is required by the tanker.3. Only MSC USNS tankers are authorized to drawsupplies and material from Navy supply activities.All industry-owned tankers under timecharter and certain tankers under consecutivevoyagecharter are authorized to bunker fromgovernment stock.5.8.9 Billing and Reports. Transportation costs forcargo delivered to fleet units at sea are billed at rates requiredto recover costs. Cost is based on the applicableMSC point-to-point tariff rate, less the trade route distance/timediversion (if any) from the trade route to theshore destination point. To this is added an amount basedon the per diem rate for the time consumed from time ofarrival at rendezvous until the time the tanker is released, includingdiversion time. In cases where no point-to-pointrate applies, a straight per diem rate is charged.When cargo transfer has been completed, the tankeradvises the fleet unit of the amount and temperature ofcargo transferred. This information should be reportedas soon as possible after completion of the transfer bysending a visual or radiotelephone message to the fleetunit. The fleet unit is then to provide the tanker masterwith a completed DD Form 1149 or message acknowledgingreceipt and indicating the MILSTRIP documentnumber on the DD 1149. This will be turned into theDFSC representative at the next terminal.5-37 ORIGINAL

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