UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>10. Attaches the riding line as soon as practicable.The riding line must be attached before pumpingcommences.11. Removes the blank flange or cap on the hose andconnects the hose to the coupling.12. Attaches the messenger to the retrieving line andimmediately returns the messenger to the fleetunit. Pumping. Using two 7-inch (177.8 mm)hoses, tankers (depending on individual design) are capableof pumping 4,000 to 8,000 bbl/h (636 to 1,272m 3 /h). Refueling operations can be expedited as follows:1. To avoid product contamination from bottomsediment and water, take the following precautionarymeasure before pumping fuel to the receivingship:Take a low suction on the designated tank(s)from which the product is to be transferred.Pump the product through all lines to be usedfor the transfer to flush out any water or sediment,and then through the opened drop valveto other tanks not scheduled to be used in thetransfer operation and which have sufficientullage.2. If piping system allows, tankers should have thepumps running and be recirculating the cargothrough a drop line while ships are connectingup. Tankers without recirculating piping shouldhave pumps on standby ready for pumping.When the connection is completed and the fleetunit signals “Commence pumping,” the tankeropens the discharge valve and closes the dropline valve, or starts the cargo pump, thereby commencingcargo transfer.3. The tanker strips tanks continuously into an aftertank, but final stripping is not done during therefueling operation. Maintaining Trim1. The tanker should load to arrive at the rendezvouspoint with at least a 2-foot (60.9 cm) trim by the stern.2. For best maneuvering, proper trim should bemaintained throughout the operation. This mayrequire taking on ballast while cargo is beingdischarged; therefore, a main cargo line shouldbe cleared as soon as possible.3. If conditions warrant, pumping may be stoppedto shift cargo, ballast, or adjust trim. Whether ornot ships remain hooked up during such delayswill depend on prevailing conditions. Clearing the Hose1. The fleet unit notifies the tanker prior to closingany fuel line valve so that the tanker can adjustthe pumping rate.2. Before disconnecting and while the valves onthe tanker are still open, the hose is blowndown. Normally the blowdown is done by thefleet unit because some tankers may not havesufficient compressed air for this operation. Itrequires about 3 minutes. Tankers cannot take aback suction. As an alternative to a blowdown orback suction, both ships leave valves open andposition the hoses to gravity drain. Oil Spill Prevention. It is imperative thatall precautions be taken to prevent pollution of the seaby an oil spill. At a minimum, the following safeguardsshould be taken during a refueling operation. Thetanker master and fleet unit commanding officer shouldtake any additional precautionary measures that theydeem necessary.1. Ensure that standard dockside transfer proceduresare in effect. This includes scupper plugsbeing in place (if seas permit), drip pans, rags,sawdust, proper tools at manifold, and so forth.2. Adequate lookouts should be posted so as to spotany inadvertent discharge of oil over the side.3. Prior to commencement of transfer, all cargoand overboard discharge valves and lines shouldbe rechecked by responsible personnel to ensureproper alignment.5.8.6 Departure1. After blowdown/gravity drain, the tanker closesthe valve, disconnects the hose, and replaces theblank flange or cap.2. A bight of the riding line is used to ease out thehose as the fleet unit heaves in. A line attached tothe end of the hose assists in passing it over theside.5-36 ORIGINAL

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