UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>Additionally, each MPS squadron has a MARISAT(telephone) including STU-III capability. Communication Methods5. Frequencies. INMARSAT is the primarymeans for sending and receiving long-range communications.When about 48 hours away from rendezvous oras directed in the tanker’s sailing orders and during thetime the tanker’s radio officer is on watch, contactshould be established on the frequencies promulgatedin the sailing orders to the tanker. Communicationsmay be shifted to the bridge-to-bridge circuit whenships are within range. Tanker. A tanker scheduled to consolidatecargo with a fleet unit will continue to maintain guardon the assigned primary long-range communicationssystem. Additional guard will be maintained on circuitsin accordance with a prearranged schedule with thefleet unit. Fleet Unit. After a tanker is assigned to aFAS operation, the fleet unit will communicate with thetanker as appropriate. An early message addressed tothe tanker will indicate:1. PIM2. Frequency or time interval of PIM exchanges3. Radio call sign4. First call time for establishing ship/ship circuit,including frequency, CW, or voice5. Additional information or instructions as desired(e.g., side and stations to be used, need forrigging jumper hose to handle double-hose rig,coupling arrangement, type and amount of productfrom each station, desired temperature ofcargo, and flag approach and ready signals). Position and Intended Movement Reports.When a tanker submits PIM reports, this formatis used:1. Position2. Time of position in whole hours3. Course4. Speed5. Period in whole hours for which precedingcourse and speed are in force. (If the periodcovered by PIM includes several changes ofcourse and speed, additional numerals for 3, 4,and 5 may be signaled.) Movement Reports. These reports aresubmitted in accordance with COMSCINST 3125.5 series.Reports will vary according to the type of controlexercised over the tanker. Military Sealift Command Control.When a tanker is scheduled to a specific FAS operationand is not assigned to a fleet command for an extendedperiod of time, the normal movement reports are made,except when COMSC issues special instructions. Fleet Command Control. When a tankeris scheduled to report to a fleet command for operationalcontrol for an extended period of time, the normalmovement reports are not made. Instead, only thefollowing reports are submitted:1. Special Departure Report, using the followingformat:UNCLAS, MSCMR 210640 Z3 USNS AMER-ICAN EXPLORER TAO 165//DEP NAPLES, ITALY210640Z3 DI 14.5K OPS IAW COMSERVFOR-SIXFLT OPORD 201-66//END2. The usual Arrival Report after completion of theoperation.5.8.3 Communication Facilities and TankerEquipment5.8.3.1 Sound-Powered Portable Phone Units.Four units, complete with plugs, receptacles, and cables,are provided. These are used for bridge-to-stationand station-to-station communications on the tanker.Phone lines for use between the tanker and the fleet unitare passed over by messenger from the fleet unit. Megaphone. A portable electric megaphoneis provided as an emergency standby means of communication;it may also be used in the final stage of the approachbefore telephones have been connected. Radio Equipment. Radio equipment consistsof:1. One main radio transmitter; minimum frequencyrange 405 to 535 kHz, with crystals for 410, 425,432, 444, 454, 480, and 500 kHz. Industry tankersmay not have 425, 454, and 480 kHz crystals.5-33 ORIGINAL

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