UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>ARRANGEMENT FORRECEIVING SHIP WITHOUTPADEYE3" (76.2 mm) POLYPROPYLENEMESSENGER TOCAPSTAN (STOP OFFTO STANCHIONS OUTBOARDOF LIFE LINES WHENRIG SECURED)2-1/2" (63.5 mm) HOSEFROM DELIVERY SHIPPELICAN HOOKHOSE CLAMP3-1/2" (88.9 mm)BRAIDED NYLONSUPPORT LINECONNECTINGPENDANT SECUREDTO PELICAN HOOKQUICK-RELEASECOUPLINGSHIP'S HOSESECURING PENDANT10' (3.0 m)1/2" (12.7 mm) DIA WIRE ROPEPICKUP FLOATBUOY (NM) MK IPADEYEEYE TO FITBITTFigure 5-24. Streaming Astern Fueling 2-1/2-Inch (63.5 mm) Hose (Sheet 2 of 2)Make approach on the pickup float (position buoyMk I), and retrieve the float. Lead the messenger betweenthe bitts to the capstan, and heave around untilthe hose cap is on deck. Cut the 9-thread stopper, andlead the 10-foot (3.0 m) connecting pendant to the pelicanhook and secure the long link in the pendant to thepelican hook. Lead the hose to the quick-release coupling,and connect the fuel hose to the coupling. Ensurethat sufficient chafing gear is inserted around the fuelhose between the bitts. An additional preventer may besecured at the bitts to reduce chafing.When the hose is stopped off on deck and connectedto the quick-release coupling, the position buoy messengeris disconnected and stopped off to stanchionswith loops outboard of all obstructions. The bitter endof the messenger is stopped off adjacent to bitts with thepickup float located some distance aft of the fuelingstation.When fueling and blowdown are completed, disconnectthe hose from the quick-release coupling and securethe hose cap. Secure the marker buoy messenger to thespecial hose clamp and lead in to the pelican hook. Securehose, messenger, and connecting pendant with9-thread and lead the messenger outboard of the stanchions;break the connections at the pelican hook and releasethe hose. The messenger and pickup float can bereleased as the ship pulls away. Recovery Procedures. Prior to recovery,give the rig a complete blowdown and, if feasible, takea back suction. Upon completion of fueling, recover theposition marker buoy to avoid fouling the fuel rig.Using the 3-1/2-inch (88.9 mm) braided nylon supportline on the winch, heave in until all strain is off thepreventer and riding line. Disconnect the hose, and removethe preventer and riding line. As the rig is recoveredand the hose approaches the winch, remove the9-thread and 15-thread stops. Fake the hose on deck,and store the support line on the reel.5-29 ORIGINAL

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