UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>A fuel oil riser, located on the stern, is fitted with agate valve for controlling fuel flow and with an air supplysystem for inflating the hose, once it has beenstreamed, and for blowdown of the hose, when refuelinghas been completed. There are appropriate valvesfitted for controlling the air supply and a “dump valve”fitted for rapidly releasing air from the hose if required.Appropriate gauges are also fitted.A jumper hose, rigged to the termination of the fuelriser, serves as the final connection between the fuel riserand the astern hose, once the hose has been streamed. Rigging the Delivery Ship1. Rig one end of the easing-out line through itsdeck fairleads, the fairlead on the stern roller,and along Flight 1 for about 50 feet (15.2 m).Stop off the line to the hose with small stuff every3 to 5 feet (9.1 to 15.2 m). Fake down theother end near the gypsy. (See Figure 5-12.)2. Pass the outboard end of the position buoy linethrough a portside stern chock and fairleads and backon deck over the life rail. Attach the float. Fake downthe inboard end near the gypsy. (See Figure 5-9.)3. Pass the outboard end of the messenger throughthe stern roller and back on deck over the liferail. Attach the float, wire, and grapnel to theoutboard end. Fake down the remainder of themessenger for free running through the sternroller. Shackle the inboard end to the pearshapedlink of the hose bridle. Insert the cotterpin in the shackle and spread the ends. (See Figure5-12.)4. Open the securing adapter clamp on the securingpendants by loosening the toggle bolt.5. Rig the jumper hose to the fuel riser.6. Connect the recovery wire to the conical cap onthe inboard end of Flight 1.7. Pass the retrieving wire from the drum of thestern winch, outboard through the centerline sternchock, and back inboard through the stern roller.Shackle the end to the pear-shaped link on themessenger bridle.8. Check to ensure that the conical cap and the airvalve are tight.9. Remove any portable steps over the hose. Streaming the Rig1. Lower the position float, with line attached, overthe rail and into the water.2. Veer the float to the proper distance (Figure5-9), using the gypsy head to restrain it. Fromthe most stern point, sight the ball swaging onthe line. Once veered, belay to a cleat.3. Lower the messenger float over the rail and intothe water by hand. Ease the remaining line out,using an available bitt or cleat, or allow the lineto run free once it is in the water.WARNINGStand clear of the faked-down messenger.4. Pass the free end of the easing-out line aroundthe gypsy and begin veering Flight 1. Simultaneouslyease out on the recovery wire’s winch.Cut each stop as it reaches the stern roller. Whensufficient hose is in the water, drag will causethe hose to veer on its own. Ease out the remainderof Flight 1 with the recovery wire.5. When the securing adapter (10 feet (3.0 m) fromthe inboard end of Flight 1) nears the securingpendants, attach the securing adapter clamp tothe securing adapter and tighten the toggle bolt.Continue to ease out on Flight 1 until the pendantsare holding the hose. Then remove theconical cap from the inboard end of the hose byremoving the split clamps. Retrieve the recoverywire and prepare for attaching it to the inboardend of Flight 2.6. Remove the protective caps from the ends ofFlight 2. Cut the stowage rack lashing, allowingFlight 2 to roll into the horizontal rollers. Attachthe conical cap to the inboard end of Flight 2.7. Using the easing-out messenger, pull Flight 2along the horizontal rollers until its outboard endcan be connected to the 10-foot (3.0 m) pigtail ofFlight 1. Couple the hose ends using the splitclamp provided. Check to ensure that an O-ringis installed before clamping.8. Take a strain on the recovery wire until the securingadapter clamp can be removed fromFlight 1. Remove the clamp by loosening thetoggle bolt.5-17 ORIGINAL

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