UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Before the last few wraps of the hose come off thereel, switch to the OUTHAUL SLOW position.NoteAs the last wrap of the hose comes off thedrum reel, the drum limit switch contactsopen; the electric motor stops and the magneticbrake sets.5. After the brake sets, move the operating modehandle to the INHAUL MANUAL position. Thespring-loaded pawl will engage and relieve theload on the brake. Transferring Fuel1. Upon signal from the receiving ship to “Start pumping,”open the red fuel riser valve (9, Figure 5-10).2. Commence pumping and signal the receivingship: “Pumping started.”3. Upon signal from the receiving ship to “Stop pumping,”stop pumping and close the red fuel riser valve.4. Signal the receiving ship: “Pumping has stopped.” Blowthrough. If more than one ship is to befueled before retrieving the rig, blow through the fuel hoserig with air only (i.e., without the pig). A blowthroughwith air normally takes only 5 to 10 minutes.1. Upon signal from the receiving ship to start blowthrough,align the pig launcher valves for blowthroughwith the pig as follows (see Figure 5-10):a. Open the black valve (10) for about 15 secondsto clear fuel oil from the pig launcher; thenclose the black valve (10) and the green valve (8).b. Slowly open the yellow valve (11) to relieveany pressure in the launcher.c. Observe the white pressure gauge (5). Whenthe gauge shows zero psi, close the yellowvalve (11) and open the pig launcher cap (1).d. Insert the pig; close and secure the cap.e. Fully open the green valve (8) and the blackvalve (10).2. Signal the receiving ship: “Blowthrough hasstarted.”3. Observe the white pressure gauge (5).NoteThe pressure on gauge (5) will remain fairlyconstant as the pig travels through the hose.Actual pressure indicated depends on ship’sservice air pressure and the elevation of thefuel riser on the receiving ship. When thepig enters the pig catcher, the air in the hosewill vent past the pig and the pressure ongauge (5) will start to drop.4. When hose pressure drops and then holdssteady, close the black valve (10).5. Slowly open the yellow valve (11); allow pressureto drop to zero.6. Signal the receiving ship: “Blowthrough hasstopped.” Retrieving the Rig. After the receivingship has disconnected the rig and all lines are clear:1. Align the pig launcher valves for rig retrieval asfollows (Figure 5-10):a. Close the yellow valve.b. Open the blue valve.c. Open the black valve until the relief valvestarts dumping air (about 6 psi (41 kPa) on thepressure gauge), then close the black valve.2. Signal the reel operator to haul in the hose rig.As the hose is reeled in, air will dump over therelief valve.3. Move the operating mode handle to the POWERMODE position.4. Move the master control switch handle to theINHAUL SLOW position and haul in the hoserig. Switch to INHAUL FAST upon direction ofthe rig captain.NoteAs the final 100 feet (30.48 m) of the hose isbeing retrieved, operate the reel at slow speedto prevent damage to equipment or injury ofpersonnel while the outboard hose assemblyand bridle messenger are hauled on board.5-13 ORIGINAL

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