UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>SIGNALMEANINGDAY NIGHT RECEIVING SHIP DELIVERING SHIPGreen Flag Green Light Hose connected. Startpumping.Red Flag Red Light Stop pumping or blowingdown hose.Pumping started.Pumping or blowing downhas stopped.White Flag Amber Light Blow down the hose. Blowing down started.Figure 5-2. Control Signals for Astern Fuelingrelative position astern by careful use of engineand rudder. The OTC should not orderany subsequent alteration of 20° until he issatisfied that all units have steadied on thepreviously signaled course.5. Alterations in speed by the delivery shipshould be made in increments of 1 knot; beforemaking speed changes, the delivery ship shallinform the receiving ship of the new speed.The receiving ship keeps accurate station bykeeping her bridge abreast of a marker buoytowed by the delivery ship and by stayingabout 40 feet (12.1 m) clear of the wake.5.7.3 Merchant Tanker Astern Refueling ofEscort <strong>Ships</strong>. U.S. flag tankers are currently configuredwith an astern fueling capability. This capabilitywill provide a more readily available means ofrefueling escort ships. Concepts common to both deliveryand receiving ships, such as communications,emergency breakaway, safety, and maneuvering aredescribed in Chapter 2. Equipment necessary for receivingships to refuel by the astern method are detailedin Chapter 3. Details of delivery and receivingship rigging, streaming the rig, and recovering the rigare described below.The following is required on station (both ships) — inaddition to the tools listed in paragraph 2.3.9:1. Signal flags (3-foot (91.4 cm) squares of bunting)for daytime use: 1 each — red, green, and white2. Signal wands (or flashlights with cone fixtures):1 each — red, green, and amber3. Sledge hammer (for use on the breakable-spoolcoupling during emergency breakaway)4. Socket wrench and 1-1/2-inch (38.1 mm) socket(for the air valve in the conical cap on the hoseend fitting)5. Oil drip pan to catch spillage6. Rags or fiber waste.The master is responsible for ensuring that the tankeris ready in all respects for refueling operations. UseFigure 5-29 at the end of the chapter as a guide for itemsto be checked. Figure 5-30 at the end of the chapter is alist of minimum loose hardware requirements for eachrefueling station.5.7.4 Delivery Ship System Description —Reelable Astern Rig. The reelable astern fuelingrig, installed on the fantail (normally starboard side) inselected merchant tankers, allows naval escort ships tobe refueled while underway using the tanker’s asternfueling capability. The delivery ship passes a 6-inch(152. mm) hose rig to the receiving ship maintainingposition 600 feet (184.5 m) astern. See Figure 5-1. Detailsof the streaming procedure are provided in the followingparagraphs.The fueling hose reel contains 750 feet (228.6 m) of6-inch (152.4 mm) inside diameter hose. The ratedhauling load of the hose reel is 12,000 lb (5,443 kg) andrated speeds in paying out and hauling in are 60 feet(18.3 m) per minute in slow speed and 120 feet (36.6 m)in fast speed. Maximum fuel delivery rate is 120,000gallons per hour (454.2 m 3 per hour).FAS operations with the reelable astern fueling rigshould be carried out at ship speeds up to 13 knots. Astern Fueling Hose Reel Assembly.The reelable astern fueling rig consists of the fuelinghose reel assembly, the fueling hose assembly, the pig5-4 ORIGINAL

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