UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4.12.8 Emergency Breakaway for AuxiliaryHose Rig. Follow the procedures of paragraph 3.10.6,3.11.6, or 4.9.6 as appropriate.4.13 AIRCRAFT CARRIER-TO-ESCORTMODIFIED 240-FOOT (73.1 M) FUEL RIGRefer to paragraph SPANWIRE CASUALTY FORNONTENSIONED RIGSShould the span wire become fouled on the winchdrum or in fairlead rigging, or otherwise cannot be controlled,the following procedure should be used:1. Delivery ship takes a strain on the saddle whipsand retrieving line.2. Receiving ship closes to appropriate distance forthe close-in method.3. On signal, receiving ship trips the spanwire pelicanhook.4. If practicable, ships proceed with the fueling,tending the rig as in the close-in method. (Largeships should not use this procedure in heavyweather, but should make a breakaway.)4.15 CASUALTY CONTROLIf ships become widely separated, fuel rig lines maybe in danger of tightlining. Personnel must make everyeffort to avoid parting the saddle whips. On a probe rig,the probe will pull out of the probe receiver if the hosetightlines. On a Robb coupling rig, permit the hose topart — rather than parting a saddle whip.If the inboard saddle whip does part, recover the rigas follows:1. The delivery station leads the wire pendant to awinch and hoists the inboard saddle clear of thewater.2. The receiving station casts off its end of the hose.3. The delivery station hauls in on the retrievingline saddle whip until the hose bights are alongside.No attempt should be made to two-blocksaddles to the boom or outrigger head.4. The span wire, kept as taut as practicablethroughout the previous steps, then is cast freeby the receiving station.5. After the hose bights have been stopped off, thedelivery station uses the span wire to recover theremainder of the hose.4.16 SPECIAL PROCEDURESProcedures to be followed during special fueling operationsare presented in the following paragraphs.4.16.1 Consolidation Between Oilers. Refer toparagraph Emergency Fueling Between Small<strong>Ships</strong>. If an emergency develops that requires a destroyeror frigate to refuel another ship, 250 to 300 feet(76.2 to 91.4 m) of 2-1/2-inch (63.5 mm) fire hose canbe passed by means of a messenger to the receivingship.4.16.3 Fueling Landing Craft. Landing craft thatare large enough and capable of sufficient speed tomaintain station alongside may receive fuel through a2-1/2-inch (63.5 mm) hose using one of the standardmethods. Smaller landing craft must tie up alongsideand fuel as boats do.4.16.4 Fueling Boats. Boats to be fueled mustcome alongside the delivery ship and tie up at designatedstations. The delivery ship provides riding lines,stern lines, and station markers at each fueling connection.The delivery ship rigs 1-1/4-inch (31.7 mm) hoses ateach station and fits the hoses with quick-closing nozzles.4.16.5 Delivery by <strong>Ships</strong> Other Than Oilers.In addition to the individual ship plans that are adaptableto the situation, the instruction applicable to oilerscan be used as a guide when fuel is to be delivered by aship that is not an oiler.4-21 ORIGINAL

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