UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong> Receiving Ship’s Emergency BreakawayProcedure. When the signal “Emergency breakaway”is received from the bridge or from the delivery shipstation:1. Pass the signal “Emergency breakaway” to thedelivery ship or to your ship’s bridge.WARNINGThe determination to order all personnel toclear the area must be based on the particularcircumstances existing when the word isreceived to execute an emergency breakawayand a judgment of the officer in charge.2. Clear all unnecessary personnel from the areaimmediately.3. If the span line does not slacken, clear all personnelfrom the area.WARNINGNever cut a line that is under tension.4. If the span line is slack, release the easing-outline restraining trolley No. 1.5. Stand clear and allow the hose rig to part at itsautomatic coupling.6. If the pelican hook cannot be released, clear thearea of all personnel, and allow the span line torun free.7. Notify the bridge when all lines are clear. Saddle Whip Casualty. If the saddlewhip parts, proceed as follows to recover the rig:1. Maintain span line tension.2. Receiving ship must disconnect the hose rig fromthe riser and install the plug at the terminal fitting.3. Receiving ship must unshackle 90-degree elbowadapter from receiving station’s padeye.4. Retrieve the inboard saddles.5. Bring hose alongside. The delivery ship hauls inon the retrieving line to place hose bights in thevicinity of the delivery ship’s side. No attemptshould be made to two-block the outrigger.Unsupported saddles and hoses may fallwhen the spanline is detensioned.6. Clear all unnecessary personnel.7. The span line is kept tensioned throughout theprevious steps, then detensioned and disconnectedcarefully using standard procedures.8. Recover the hose rigs. After bights of hose havebeen stopped to the ship’s side and the hose hasbeen dropped on deck, the saddle whip or spanline can be used to recover any hose not on board. Stowing the Spanline Rig. To stow thespanline rig when it is not in use, proceed as follows:1. Open riser valve.WARNING2. Starting at the automatic coupling end, elevatethe hose so that it drains back through its riser.3. Close riser valve and uncouple hose from riser.4. Flush clean the exterior of the hose rig with freshwater and allow to dry.5. Disassemble hose rig into sections and assembliesof a size convenient to handle and stow.6. Secure hose sections and assemblies in the designatedstowage location.4.12 AUXILIARY FUEL RIG (UNDER STREAMRIG)The 2-1/2-inch (63.5 mm) hose can be rigged underthe single or double STREAM rig. The rig is designedto transfer up to 300 GPM (1.14 m 3 /min) of F76, F44,bulk POL, or water. Once a hose has been used for oneproduct, it must be dedicated to that product.4.12.1 Hose Assembly. Hose lengths are joined togetherby re-attachable couplings and clamps. Each hoselength shall have a male clamp coupling on the outboardend and a female clamp coupling on the inboard end. Thefemale end incorporates a rubber O-ring seal. Whenjoining hose lengths, the male and female clamp endsare pushed into engagement. The joint is then secured4-18 ORIGINAL

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