UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>WARNING• The deck may be wet as a result of theuncoupling.• Wait until the force that caused the uncouplingis no longer acting on the hose rig. Ventthe residual pressure in the delivery hose.2. Signal the delivery ship to ease out on saddlewhip No. 1. This allows access to the trolley,permitting receiving of the 60-foot (18.3 m)section of messenger and recoupling of the automaticor quick-disconnect coupling.WARNINGThe halves of the automatic coupling cannotbe recoupled when the hose is under pressure.Without pressure in the hose, a force of approximately25 lb (11 kg) is required torecouple.3. When the coupling has been rejoined, have allhands stand clear and signal the delivery ship toresume pumping. Emergency Breakaway for NontensionedSpanline Fuel Rig. Emergency breakawayis an accelerated breakaway using the procedures describedin the preceding paragraphs. The following proceduresalso apply.NoteSuch tools as sledge hammers, axes, andknives should always be available. Delivery Ship’s Emergency BreakawayProcedure. When the signal “Emergencybreakaway” is received from the bridge or from the receivingstation:1. Pass the signal “Emergency breakaway” to thereceiving ship or your ship’s bridge.The determination to order all personnel toclear the area must be based on the particularcircumstances existing when the word isreceived to execute an emergency breakawayand a judgment of the officer in charge.2. Clear all unnecessary personnel from the areaimmediately.3. Stop pumping.WARNING4. Slack off on span line to remove all tension.5. Commence hauling in hand-tended phone/distance lines.WARNINGIf recovery of the phone/distance lines interfereswith the breakaway operation, cut thelines.6. As soon as the receiving ship releases the60-foot (18.3 m) section of the STAR messengerrestraining trolley No. 1, heave in on the saddlewhip to separate the hose rig at its automaticcoupling and haul in the hose rig as rapidly aspossible. The quick-disconnect coupling mustbe manually released prior to signaling the deliveryship to haul in the hose.WARNINGIf the span line cannot be slacked off torelease the pelican hook, receiving shippersonnel will clear the area and the deliveryship must allow the span line to run free.Delivery ship personnel should stand clearof all rigging.7. When the span line is slack, signal the receivingship to release the pelican hook.8. Haul in the spanline.9. Notify the bridge when all lines are clear.4-17 ORIGINAL

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