UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>17. Shackle saddle whip assembly lines to trolleyNos. 2, 3, and 4 and fake down lines.18. Reeve the span line through trolley Nos. 4 (inboard),3, 2, and 1 (outboard) in turn. Haul thespan line through the trolleys and fake downenough to reach to the receiving ship.4.11.2 Operating the Nontensioned SpanlineFuel Rig. The following procedures emphasize actionsrelated directly to the 2-1/2-inch (63.5 mm) hoserig. At every assembly step of the following procedures,ensure that components that contact F76 or F44are not used in a potable water rig. Delivery Ship Procedure. To prepare aspanline delivery station for replenishing fuel or waterusing 2-1/2-inch (63.5 mm) hose, perform the followingsteps.1. Rig appropriate station markers.2. Prepare sound-powered phones.3. Provide safety equipment and ensure that allpersonnel assigned to refueling stations aredressed as prescribed.4. Lay out and check UNREP repair and workingtools at each station.5. Perform preoperational preparation of thewinches.WARNINGInspect all lines for worn places and frayedcondition. Do not use such lines.6. Attach sound-powered phone line messenger tomessenger beckets. Attach bridge-to-bridge phone/distance line if required.7. Stop the span line (with attached pelican hook)about 350 feet (107 m) from the shackled end ofthe STAR messenger.8. Ensure that the span line has been hauled throughthe spanline trolley.9. Ensure that the messenger, messenger returnline, span line, synthetic saddle whips for trolleys,and hose are faked down for free running.10. Verify that the proper hose end and adapter to besent to the receiving ship are on the hose rig.CAUTIONOnce a hose rig has been used for oneproduct, hose rig components that contactthe product must be dedicated to thatproduct only.11. Inspect the hose for cuts, abrasions, and excessivewear.12. Provide safety equipment and ensure that allpersonnel assigned to refueling stations aredressed as prescribed. Passing the Rig1. Send over messenger with messenger returnline, station-to-station phone line, and span lineattached.2. Upon receipt of a signal from the receiving shipthat the spanline end has been attached, take astrain on the span line.3. As the span line reaches its proper catenary, easethe hose over the side and signal the receivingship to take in the messenger.4. Ease out saddles and hand tend. Tending the Rig1. Start pumping upon signal from the receivingship.CAUTIONOnce a hose rig has been used for oneproduct, hose rig components that contactthe product must be dedicated to thatproduct only.2. Tend span line and trolleys to keep the bight ofthe hose out of the water.3. Stop pumping upon signal from the receivingship.4. Conduct blowdown if desired.4-14 ORIGINAL

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