UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>(1) DELIVERY SHIP1. Position the Nos. 1, 2, and 3 saddle trolleys forsmooth fairleading of the spanwire.2. Send over the shot line and attach it to the messenger.(2) RECEIVING SHIP1. Receive the shot line and haul in. When the bitterend of the messenger comes aboard, attach it to theprereeved small stuff and continue to haul in themessenger through the rigging and fairlead blocks.2. When the lead line for the station phone line andthe lead line messenger for the phone/distanceline are received on board, disconnect them andmove them clear of the area.3. Attach the lead line messenger for the phone/distance line to the phone/distance line and signalthe delivery station to haul in.4. Haul in the station phone line and hand tend.(3) BOTH SHIPSConnect the station phone line headsets, establishvoice communication, and advise the rig captain: “Wehave station-to-station phone communication.”(4) DELIVERY SHIP1. Haul in the lead line messenger for the phone/distance line. When the zero end of the phone/distance line is aboard, attach it to the outermostrail, clear of the transfer station.WARNINGThe approach ship shall hand-tend the B/Bphone/distance line. The B/B phone/distanceline shall be maintained free for running(coiled or faked) and shall never be secured tothe approach ship’s structure. Personnel mustkeep inboard of all lines and exercise extremecaution and alertness to potential danger.2. Connect the phone/distance line headset, establishvoice communication, and advise the bridge: “Wehave bridge-to-bridge phone communication.”3. Ensure that the spanwire’s antislack device(ASD) is turned ON, or that slack is pulled fromthe span wire through the ram tensioner to preventfouling of the spanwire winch drum.(5) RECEIVING SHIP1. Continue to haul in the messenger.NoteBefore attaching the span wire to the pelicanhook, make sure that the messenger is nottwisted with the span wire. If twisted, theprobe will not seat in the receiver.2. Remove any twists of the messenger around thespan wire and attach the spanwire end fitting tothe pelican hook on the swivel arm assembly.Use the correct cotter pin (see Figure 2-21).3. Install the easing-out line on the span wire endfitting and secure.4. Slack the messenger to allow the pelican hook totake the strain of the span wire, then cut the stopsthat hold the span wire to the messenger.5. Clear personnel from the immediate area.(6) BOTH SHIPS1. The receiving station’s phone talker will notifyboth his bridge and the delivery station: “Ready totension span wire at station ___ .” This alerts hisbridge that tension will be applied shortly. Bridgewill grant permission to tension the span wire.2. The delivery station’s phone talker will informhis bridge: “We are tensioning the span wire atstation ___ .” At the same time, the rig captaininstructs the winch operator to tension the spanwire. When the span wire is tensioned, the ASD,if installed, should be turned off until the rig is tobe detensioned. No response is required from thebridge, unless it is negative.3. To complete the communication loop, the deliveryship’s bridge shall immediately notify the receivingship’s bridge: “We are tensioning thespan wire at my station ___ .”4. If either ship’s bridge determines that it wants todelay tensioning the span wire after it has receivedword that the stations are ready, both ship’sbridges and the delivery station shall be notifiedimmediately. The delivery ship’s bridge shall3-41 ORIGINAL

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