UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>trolley carriage for use as the remating line, securethe brummel hook end of this section to acleat, and coil down the remaining length. Do nottake a strain on the remating line. The rematingline is used to reseat the probe in the receiver,should the probe disengage. A remating line undertension while the probe is seated may damagethe probe’s latching mechanisms and will allowfuel to spray if the probe unlatches inadvertently.All excess remating line must be coileddown between the probe fairlead block andthe cleat.3. Stand clear of the rig.4. Signal the delivery station: “Start pumping.”(8) DELIVERY SHIP1. Advise the bridge and cargo control: “Station___ ready to start pumping.”2. Commence pumping fuel.(9) RECEIVING SHIP1. After fuel transfer has started, disconnect themessenger return line from the messenger returnline pendant (Figure 3-23) and connect it to thebrummel hook on the long section of the STARmessenger.2. Signal the delivery station to haul in the messengerreturn line.3.10.4 Operating Fuel STREAM With SingleProbe(1) DELIVERY SHIPWARNING1. The saddle winch operator positions all saddlesfor a smooth flow of fuel through the hoseand tends the saddles. The retrieving saddlewhip (No. 1) shall be tended slack during fuelingoperations to prevent an excessive load atthe receiving station’s fuel connection. Theoutboard saddle winch (No. 2) is tended tokeep the hose bights out of the water, preventkinking of the hose at the receiving station’sfuel connection, and prevent excess strain onthe hose or stress wires.2. Haul in and coil down the messenger return lineand messenger.3.10.5 Retrieving Fuel STREAM With SingleProbe(1) DELIVERY SHIP1. Stop pumping.2. Complete the blowdown or back suction and secureall valves. (See paragraph 3.9.16.)(2) BOTH SHIPSSignalmen signal: “Replenishment completed at thisstation. Commence unrigging.”(3) RECEIVING SHIP1. Remove the 60 foot (18.2 m) releasing line fromcleats, fairlead blocks, and all obstructions; aftercoiling the releasing line, make it up and attach itto the return line pendant on the probe tube usingthe brummel hook on the bitter end. Leave theother end of the releasing line attached to thetrolley carriage.NoteAt a double-probe receiver, disconnect theremating line.2. When advised by the delivery station’s phonetalker, operate the manual release lever on thereceiver to release the probe. Signal the deliverystation to haul in the hose.(4) DELIVERY SHIPHaul in on the saddle whips to retrieve the hose.(5) BOTH SHIPSProcedures for detensioning the span wire are asfollows:1. The receiving station’s phone talker will notifyboth his bridge and the delivery station: “Readyto detension span wire at station ___ .” Thisalerts his bridge that the span wire will bedetensioned shortly. Bridge will grant permissionto detension span wire.3-35 ORIGINAL

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