UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>SHIPSTATIONRAM FLASKPRESSURE (PSI)(2) (3) (4)NORMAL RAM PRESSURESETTING (PSI)DOUBLE HOSE(1) (3)SINGLE HOSE(1) (3)T-AE-26/32 Class 3 900(6,205)T-AFS-1 Class 3 900(6,205)— 800(5,516)— 800(5,516)T-AO-187 thru 204 1, 72, 6, 8900(6,205)1,600(11,032)—1,550(10,686)800(5,516)—AOE-1 thru 4 3, 94, 8, 12, 16900(6,205)1,600(11,032)—1,550(10,686)800(5,516)—AOE-6 thru 8 and 10 3, 72, 8, 10900(6,205)1,600(11,032)—1,550(10,686)NOTES: (1) Maximum ram pressure based on the winch’s maximum line pull.(2) Ram flask air pressure is read with the ram in the down position (secured). Normal rampressure setting is read at the ram when the ram is mid stroke. This pressure will varywith the location of flasks on board the ship.(3) Data provided in parentheses reflects units in kiloPascal (kPa).(4) Ram flask pressures in this table represent optimum operating conditions.800(5,516)—Figure 3-19. Ram Tension Air Pressure Settings for Fuel STREAM Rig3. No. 1 (Retrieving) Saddle Whip. Thewhip end is secured to the outboard (No. 1) saddle,reeved through a block on the after side of the kingpostoutrigger (or boom head), and then reeved through afairlead sheave to a winch. Fuel Transfer. Ensure during fuel deliverythat quick-closing valves and fuel line valves on bothships are open and remain open until pumping stops.Closing or throttling of receiving ship’s valves can resultin destructive pressure surges within piping systems.The receiving ship must keep the delivery shipadvised of fueling time remaining at each station to preventoverfilling of fuel tanks.3-24 CHANGE 1

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