UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>Figure 3-13. Type D-2 Nozzle for 2-1/2-Inch (65.3 mm) Hose Rig3.7.4.7 Auto Disconnect Coupling, 2-1/2 inch(63.5 mm). The auto disconnect coupling protects thehose from overtension failure, thereby preventing inadvertentfuel spillage. If the rigging or rig controlshould fail and the hose tensions, the coupling willdry-break between 500 and 700 lb (227 and 318 kg).The coupling may be vented and re-attached once therig is stabilized. Elbow, 90 Degree, 2-1/2 inch (63.5 mm).The elbow adapter provides a connection point to securethe hose rig to the receiving ship and smoothlylead the hose forward to the riser connection.3.7.5 Spanwire Weak-Link End Fitting. Theweak-link end fitting (Figure 3-14a) is the preferredFAS spanwire end fitting. There are two sizes: (1) the3/4-inch (19.0 mm) spanwire end fitting (designed tofail at 30,000 lb (13,608 kg)), and (2) the 7/8-inch (22.2mm) spanwire end fitting (designed to fail at 35,000 lb(15,876 kg)). For fueling methods other than probe, orwhen sending the span wire to a receiving stationpadeye that has a long link for Robb or NATO fuelingoperations, install a shackle and pelican hook as shownin Figure 3-14c.WARNINGThe weak link end fitting must be used on anyspanwire that does not have a slip clutch.The non-weak-link end fitting (Figure 3-14b) maybe used instead of the weak-link end fitting on any spanwire that has a slip clutch. (This applies to all Navystandard spanwire winches and some carrier automatictension span wires.)WARNINGThe non-weak-link end fitting must not beused on any spanwire that does not have aslip clutch.3-17 ORIGINAL

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